Chapter 85

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Let's just say, this Chapter's gonna be a lil' different-

The blonde hummed as he placed one last flower down. He lift up a jug and poured water on top of the flower

He smiled at it and then looked down to the other flowers before freezing as his eyes met a blue pair



Bard sat in the kitchen as he let something cook in the Oven. He was dozing off really. He felt that he had a long day, even if it was only Morning-

"Its going to burn if you do that"

Bard waved her hand back "Eh, I'll wake up in time"


He whipped his eyes and looked around before jumping "Gah!"

The green eyed boy glared at him "What type if Chef are you?" Bard sweatdropped at the Boy, soon lifting up his hand "Oh, its just you. Cheyenne isn't here right now. Say, where's your Brother?"

Jack looked back to the Oven, ignoring Bard. The scruff blonde then cupped his hands as sparkles flew around him "Did my Nephew really come to ask for my cooking help?"

But, Jack just gave him a long stare. Was it full of disappointment? Who knows. Bard slouched, this Kid really knew how to hurt someone


The doors flew open as Mey-Rin stepped in, Xander in hand "Look at him!"

The Maid held him up to show his bright brown eyes with small swings of green seen in them. But, there was fluffs of dark red on his head as he 'chewed' on his fingers

Mey-Rin's lip quivered "Cheyenne's gonna kill me, yes she is!" Bard scoffed and waved his hand at her "It's Cheyenne. She won't do anythin' to ya. She loves you" Mey-Rin blinked rapidly and then looked to the ground

"Mey-Rin's such a Badass!"

"I wish I was as cool as Mey"

"I practically stan the floor you walk on"

"Love ya Mey!"

She then smiled. Cheyenne always tried to make her all happy and flushed. Good times, good times. Plus, Xander will change soon anyway. He always does...

To who? We...We don't know

Mey-Rin looked back to Bard as he stared at Jack. Jack looked over to Mey-Rin and stared at her. The Maid looked away, a bit intimidated by his stare. For such a short boy, he would make you look away by just being uncomfortable.

Just like the Young Master

The back door opened, the blonde coming in as a boy held onto him and laughed to his hearts content "Uhm, since when were these two coming?" Bard shrugged "I dunno. This one was here too"

"'This one' has a name"

Bard rolled his eyes at him while Jack forced Gerald to let go of Finny. Bard then crossed his arms and stood "Welp, might as well tell the Young Master about this"



"You're burning your food"


Ciel and Sebastian traveled down the stairs as he rehearsed schedule for today "The usual, Sir. No visits today, training and learning"

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