Chapter 49

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Gotta thank my friend SolarRadii for helping me with a Chapter idea! :D!

The girl ran down the hall with a happy smile. One of her favorite times of the Year was coming and she couldn't wait to celebrate it.

Cheyenne's smile slowly faltered 'Well, the Trancys wont be there...' She slowed down from her running, thinking about how Alois must feel at the time being.

'And what about Grey and Blanc...'

Now, she was walking with her head down. But, she took a deep breath and lift up her head 'I can invite them! But, then again...What about Alois. If I invite him over, there's bound to be a fight, but he'll feel so left out if he knows I threw a party without him..'

Trying to formulate a plan in her mind, she noticed the door she was passing and soon her smile came back

Throwing the doors open, she threw her arms up "PHHHAANTOMHIVVVE!"

Ciel rubbed the brushed of his nose and shook his head "My God, you are inside. Be quiet" Cheyenne went over to him and softly grasped his cheeks, lifting his head so she could see his eye. Ciel heavily blushed at the contact "Let's get a Christmas Tree!"

Ciel 'tch'd' and pushed her hands away "And who do you suppose will get it?" Cheyenne crossed her arms and looked around "I mean...I could. Get some help from Finny baby and have us a ball decorating it" Cheyenne looked back to Ciel "Yeah! Me and Finny can go get one"

Ciel gave her an uninterested look "Finny and I, Miss Gilmore" Cheyenne pat his head as she sat on his desk "Call me Cheyenne, Tiny baby. Were close enough" Ciel rolled his eye "And who will be paying for the tree.."

The girl froze "Well, fuck..." She then scratched her head in thought "Fuck, I'm broke as shit. Maybe we can decorate a tree outside in the Garde---You really aren't that bright, are you?"

Cheyenne tilted her head "Whaddya mean?" Ciel stood from his chair and walked out the room, making Cheyenne trail after him. Cheyenne walked next to him as they went down the hall and to the stairs. Cheyenne flinched at seeing something cover her eyes and a hand go to her back.

After being pushed a few ways, and carefully helped down the stairs, Ciel had suddenly stopped. Cheyenne hummed "We didn't go down the other set of stairs. Were on the first stair thingy....What did you do, Phantomhive?" Ciel scoffed and dropped his hands, letting her blink at the sense of light and look around.

Her jaw flew open as she saw the tall Tree that sat in the middle of the grand room "Whoa....Bro, when did you get this?" Ciel watched as she rushed down the stairs, going down himself "This Tree has been here for almost a week. And you're just now noticing it" Cheyenne smacked her lips "Dont start, lil' boy blue"

"Cheyenne! There you are"

The brown skinned girl looked over to see Bard with a box in his hands "We were just about to get ready to decorate this Beast. Wanna join?" Cheyenne gave him a smile as she ran over to him "Of, fucking, course! C, you can help us" Ciel stared at the two before shaking his head "I have no need to convey in such childish things"

Cheyenne slumped and poked out her lip "But, C..."

Ciel started walking up the stairs, ignoring her. Cheyenne looked to Bard "I got him. I'll be right back" Bard nodded while Mey-Rin and Tanaka came out with two more boxes.

Ciel was walking down the hall, he had just gotten off the stairs. But, he yelped as something hugged him from behind. He looked back at the girl, seeing her happily smiling up at him "C'mon, C! It'll be fun! I'll let you put the Star ontop" Ciel shook his head "Let go of m---" He blushed as something soft gently scraped his earlobe.

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