Chapter 27

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Cheyenne was almost done with her small drawing. All she needed to do was color it but something was stopping her from doing so.

The Butler, of all people. He was still in her room listening to the music from her time. He had sat his head on her shoulder about ten minutes ago and hasn't lift it back up. He seemed content on letting it stay there. He watched as she drew and she wasn't bad. Granted, it was like a small cartoon character, not like she was trying to draw the Mona Lisa.

He was a bit surprised that she hasn't pushed him away yet. The afternoon was coming in and all they did was sit there, listening to music and watching her draw "Lady Cheyenne" The girl hummed as she flicked some eraser shavings off her paper "Have you had any suitors?" Cheyenne chuckled and shook her head "In my time, they still have Suitors in certain places but back in the U.S., we have 'boyfriends or girlfriends'. And, nah, I never did. Momma wouldn't let me but, in all truth, I dont even think people like me like that"

"And, I'm not sayin' that for sympathy, I'm just speakin' the truth. My friends all had chicks and dicks, first kisses, make outs. I think some of 'em lost their Virginity. Then, there's me. The single bitch of the group. I had one friend that I liked to call Kendrick. She was like a dude magnet but, I ain't really get nobody so, why focus on something I couldn't get? It's pointless. Tis the main reason I like Anime dudes better. At least I can somewhat get some love from them...In fanfictions of course.."

Sebastian's eyes shifted to her face, or at least the half he could see "Not even a one time lover? I'm sure they've had those in your time" Cheyenne glanced his way "Night stands. Why are you even askin' me that though?" The Demon lift his head, finally, and fixed his tie "You're of age to marry and have children. I once believed that you were wedded to Earl Trancy, but, seeing that you carry no ring nor share the last name, my thoughts were proven incorrect. And from your clothing, one would believe you were a pr--IM NOT! DAMN!" He smiled down at her as she glared at him "How odd. You haven't been experienced to the smallest bit of affection from another?" Cheyenne thought for a moment "I mean, maybe. But," She shrugged her shoulders "I'm a slow ass..."

"That just means you've had a sad love life"

The girl scoffed and glared at the blunette as he stood at the doorway "What the fuck do you need?" Ciel stepped closer "I have a lead we can go from. Were going out tonight. We shall patrol the streets for the man and his next victim" Cheyenne lit up and smiled as he continued "First, we have to visit the Undertaker"


Cheyenne popped out of the carriage and happily opened the door to the Parlor. The silverette close his book and smiled back at the short girl "Hey, Undertaker!" The Reaper calmly walked over and pat her head "Little one, how are you?" Cheyenne smiled up at him and 'shoo'ed' his hand away "I'm good, what 'bout you?" He shifted the book under his arm "Nothing much, nothing much~"

The door opened again as Ciel and Sebastian stepped in with their usual faces "Undertaker, we have matters to discuss with you" The silverette sat down with a small giggle "You know the price, my Lord" Before Ciel could get Sebastian to talk, Cheyenne went against all means and decided to do so herself.

"Undertaker. Guess whose my little protector for the evening?"

She stood next to Ciel with a smile, happy that a small giggle came from the Reaper "Ight, I got a giggle. I ca live with that. But...." She smirked and leaned don Ciel a bit "Can I do better?" Ciel sent her a glare and pushed her away while she laughed "Alright, alright. Here's one. Girls be killin' they whole entire family and be like: Hehe, oops! WHAAHAHA!" Undertaker snickered slightly while Cheyenne wiped her eye. In all honesty, it was her reaction that made him laugh a bit more. Cheyenne took a deep breath "Shit, shit. I got one, here.." She pulled out her Phone and typed something in, walking up to him and showing him the image.

Psssshbh A Bitch Can Dream (BB X Modern!OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu