Chapter 19

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Cheyenne paced around in the hallway infront of the throne room door. 'What the hell am I going to say? How am I gonna do this? This is the Queen for God's sake...' She rubbed her chin 'Maybe I can go, "Hi, I want to--" No, I dont have any wants. I dont want to go so out forward with it, she might see me as disrespectful! Oh Go--Why're just sitting there?"

She looked up to see Phipps and Grey looking down at her, the shorter giving her a weird look while the tallest lift a brow. Grey walked over to the door and opened "Just go in" He walked in first, closing the door behind him. Cheyenne then fell to her knees with a comedic pained smile "Phipps, I cant do it"

The Butler gave her a confused look as she went on "I cant ask a simple question. Damn my social skills!" She hit the floor with a fist as she cowered. Phipps exhaled and pat her head. Cheyenne looked up while Phipps gave her that same stare "It is alright. I will help you" Cheyenne smiled up at him and crawled over to his legs, giving them a hug "Thank God for you, Phipps! Wait! I need a nickname for you..." She cupped her chin as she stood to her full short height. "Uhh..." She looked him over some. "Let me feel your hair" Phipps nodded and bowed down infront of her, the girl ruffled it a bit and smiled "It's so freakin' soft! Hm.."


Phipps furrowed his brows in confusion "Blanc? The French term for White?" Cheyenne nodded "My family knows alot about it. Plus, I think it fits. What else should I call you? Fluffy Blanc? Cotton?" Phipps shook his head "No, Blanc is fine" Cheyenne smiled "Blanc it is. Now," She swiftly turned on her heel and glared at the door "Time to embarrass the shit out of myself" As she pushed the two doors open, Phipps deadpan at her display and walked in behind her.

"Um..Quee--No, uh, Your Majesty?"

The elderly woman laughed at Cheyenne's nervousness. She smiled down at the brown skinned girl "What is it, dear?" Cheyenne looked down and then sighed "I was wondering if I could visit Alois, Claude, and Timber..." Victoria hummed "So that's what their names were. You must've been close to them if you knew them"

Victoria thought for a bit "Well. I suppose so. They are like Family to you after all. I know you miss them terribly" Cheyenne's eyes brightened as they looked up at her.

"However, Phipps will go with you"

Cheyenne threw a thumbs up at Phipps. He squinted his eyes at her hand and tired to figure out how to do it himself. The Queen chuckled "You're just a bundle of emotions aren't you? Well, I'll have a carriage take you to his Manner in the evening. Be prepared by then and dont stay out too late, I dont want you to get in any trouble" Cheyenne did a salute and stood tall "Dont worry, I will! Thank you, bye bye!" She hurriedly rushed out the room and closed the doors. Once they were, she did a small dance in the hallway.

"I'm seein' Trancy! I'm seein' Trancy!"


They should really fix these doors

She looked back at the others as they all watched her. Cheyenne flattened her lips and quickly scurried away while Victoria laughed at her antics.

'I fuckin' hate my life!'

While walking, something bumped shoulders with her. She stopped and looked back at the familiar blonde haired Maid. She was one of the girls that were in her room when she first woke up. The Maid gave her a side eye "Sorry"

She then continued walking. Cheyenne was taught many things. She has seen may things. She has learned many things.

One of them being: Looking behind a mask

This girl was upset over something she did. What it was? She doesnt know. However, she has other things to worry about then some petty girl fight.


Cheyenne and Grey walked down to where Phipps was waiting. Grey looked down at the happy girl, she had that cherry smile and had nothing but great thoughts on her mind. "I'm so excited! I haven't seen them in so long" Grey smacked his lips and crossed his arms "It's nothing special. Just a carriage ride"

Cheyenne looked over to him "Whaddya mean!? I'm spendin' time with the Trancy's, this is a good thing" Grey faced her while they still walked "Why not spend time with m--" Cheyenne smirked as he stopped himself and turned away "Nah, nah. What was you gonna say?" She tried to get a look of his face while he kept turning in circles to not see her. True, they spend more time with each other than everyone else. From cooking food to watching things on her Phone. He must've gotten attached quickly.

Grey grit his teeth and swiftly turned around to look at her face. He looked angry but that look in his eyes said differently "I like spending time with you, alright! There, I said it!" Cheyenne gave him a shocked look at the classic tsundere, blush that sat on his face.

She then smiled at him and laughed. Grey got out of his small trance and stood to his full height, looking away with puffed cheeks. Cheyenne tried to cover her mouth as she laughed "Aww! Grey's jealous! Hahaha!" Grey walked forward "Pick up the pace! I want to get you out of here as fast as possible"

"I'm comin'!"

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