Chapter 2 - Diner Dash

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I worked as a waitress at a small diner downtown called "Davie's Diner: Burgers, Chicken, and Fries!." "Davie" had long left the diner, but it still continued under new managment. The restaurant is never super busy, but there is a small group of people that are weekly regulars, making up the vast majority of our customers. The diner, while small in space, had a pleasant atmosphere. The food was fantastic but not exactly cheap. I often brought in my own meals to help keep my meal costs low.

I arrived at my shift just on time only to see an empty diner. My manager was wiping off some tables when he saw me.

"Not much traffic today Mindy. Just relax in the break room before the dinner crowd makes their way in."

"Will do boss."

My midday shifts were generally like this, with me only really working for one hour while spending the rest of it on my phone or cleaning. My shift was only seven hours instead of the usual eight, only being from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM, making the long wait for my shift to be over slightly more bearable. 

The break room was nothing more than a table, a chair, and a coffee machine. This small cramped little room didn't offer much but it at least had an outlet so I could charge my phone. I generally just watched YouTube videos, hoping to find anything that might interest me. I refreshed my subscriptions page so frequently to the point that I needed to watch dozens of people just to make it show something new every time . I watched really anything that mildly interested me. Craft tutorials on things I will never make, speedruns of games I never will play, and video essays on topics that shouldn't be interesting yet somehow are. 

After watching various videos for a few hours, I started to make my way to the cash register. The dinner rush that most restaurants experienced only brought in nine or ten people for the diner. The bell above the door rang and I knew my actual shift had just begun.

It was always one of the regulars who showed up first for the dinner rush, generally Marty or Sam. Today it was Marty, who upon seeing I already knew what he was going to order.

"Hey Minds, could I get the usual?"

"Sure thing Marty."

Marty always had a regular coffee and the chicken strips. He sometimes came in with his wife, Bella, on Monday's, but I could expect just him on any other day of the week. He loved to talk about his passion for playing the guitar; it was just something he could go on for hours on. When he wasn't talking about his guitar he was humming a new tune.

With a job as boring and monotonous as being a waitress, I had to find ways to make it interesting. Paying attention to the regulars stories and lives brought a nice amount of variation to my shifts. Knowing my customers is something I value in my job, no matter how minimal of a thing it is. 

As the dinner rush continued my hunger did as well. With my lunch not really filling me, I was finding the wait for my meal harder and harder to bare. It didn't help that tonight's rush was more than average, with about twelve people coming in. Eventually I could go back to the break room when the last customer left around 7:00 PM. 

Upon coming back to the break room I realized I forgot to bring, or even pack, my supper. As I said earlier, I normally don't eat diner food for the sake of my wallet, but I decided that my lunch "treat" from earlier could continue on for another meal. I ordered the fish and chips, something I haven't seen someone order in a few weeks. I normally just order a few fries in the case I forget my meal, so to actually eat something off the menu was a new thing for me.

The fish and chips were served up rather quickly, which my stomach was happy for. The meal came with three pieces of deep-fried fish, and a generous portion of fries. The deep-fried coating on the fish was nice and light, before the warm meat beneath the coating entered my mouth. The taste ... was amazing! I had never had a fish like this, it was perfect! I quickly dived into the rest of the fish before tackling the chips. The fries were what Davie's excelled at, always being served piping hot with the right amount of seasoning and salt. 

Every meal at Davie's came with a "free" sundae, but the high prices of the main menu made you pay for it already. With the only options for ice cream being chocolate or vanilla, it was certainly not the nicest dessert in the city. I opted for chocolate and dove into my iced treat. The meal was more than filling already, but I pressed on to finish the sundae, I really wanted to get my money's worth. After a few minutes I succeeded in my efforts, and was left with the bill as my reward. Costing 30 dollars, I could see why the diner wasn't super busy. 

The rest of my shift continued to be uneventful. A few late goers came in for a cup of coffee, but aside from that there was nobody else ordering food. My shift ended and I drove back to my little  apartment. I made my way to my bed and I started to unwind from my shift. My work uniform was very relaxed, only having to consist of a white dress shirt and black jeans, but taking it off still proved to be relieving. 

As I was about to take off my jeans, I noticed something a little odd. A little bit of fatty flesh peaked over my waistline. At 5'3 and around 110 pounds and with my high metabolism, I almost never saw any extra bit of skin anywhere. My work jeans were a "small" but I still always managed to look good in them. I couldn't stop playing with the little bit of belly, it just invigorated me somehow. I realized I ate quite a bit more today, so I figured this little food baby would be gone overnight. 

The rest of my evening continued as normal. I finished reading what was required for my one class, and I got ready for bed after that. I couldn't stop thinking about the little food baby I had. I don't know what I am thinking, it's probably normal to think about these type of things. It's not like I suddenly got fat, it's just a little bit of extra skin. Still, I drifted off to sleep with some of the weirdest dreams I have had in a while. 

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