Chapter 8 - Donuts!

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For the first time in my life, I woke up excited on a Sunday. Sunday's normally brought forth the dread of Monday, often making it hard to enjoy the day. Today, however, I was looking to start anew with my feeding habits. I knew that until I had a reliable second stream of income I would have to restrict myself to cheaper foods. Ramen was normally only 25 cents, and could be loaded with sauces to give it the extra calories I needed. Chips and pop were still good options but I knew that buying them bulk did not help my wallet. Fast food and eating out, while the most desirable, I would only have if invited by Trista. While I had recently restocked, I decided to return to the grocery store to get what I needed. Before going to the grocery store, I needed to have breakfast and get dressed. 

I got into a pair of pink short shorts that I had for a long time. They were a little bigger than my jeans, so I had to wear a belt with them. I tried to tightened the belt a little bit extra so I would have a little bit of flab showing, but it ended up being too awkward and uncomfortable. I always thought they never were my kind of thing, but I thought they looked really good on me. I couldn't wait to fill them in more. After putting on a plain blue shirt I headed to the kitchen for my first meal.

"Hmmm, what should I make today?"

Me talking to myself unfortunately did not provide an adequate answer. I decided on grilled cheese, not much of a breakfast food but I didn't know what else to make. Grilled cheese were always a favourite of mine growing up. The simplicity of them is what made them so good, and with tomato soup they were heavenly. No soup this time, but I decided to make 3 whole sandwiches, each with their own cheese. One with cheddar, one with a leftover cheese single, and finally the specialty one with gouda. The sizzle sound will always be satisfying, and it made me hungry before I even began. After a few minutes, the grilled cheeses were ready for consumption. 

I started with the worst one, knowing it would only get better The cheese single, while mostly fake cheese, still tasted okay. The next one up was the cheddar. I normally only ate one grilled cheese at a time, but I was quite hungry still after the first one. My realization of the increase of my stomach capacity made me so happy, having it happen so soon just made me want to get fatter all the more. I took a massive chomp out of the cheddar sandwich, and was delighted but the stretchiness of the cheese. The taste was sublime, taking me back to my childhood as I took each bite out of the grilled cheese. I loosened my belt a bit at this point, as my tummy started to press into my shorts a bit. Finally was the gouda. I got some gouda randomly a long time ago, but I had never used it. Upon taking a bite I wish I had sooner. The creamy cheese combined so well with the grilled bread. I loved every nibble, I didn't even realize I was done with it. 

My breakfast left me shocked. I was barely full, and yet my little bit of fat that rolled over my jeans was still there! My recent binges and habits over the last few days must have done more than I had thought. I decided to wait to weigh myself as I knew that the number would be influenced by the food I had just ate. With nothing else to do I headed to the grocery store.

I particularly loved shopping this time, I felt like such a pig with my cart overfilling with fatty foods! I grabbed two whole boxes of ramen, containing 24 noodles each. Normally that would last a good month or two, but my goal was to get it finished in under two weeks. I grabbed a few 2L of a variety of pops due to a 3 for 1 sale. I ended up with 16 things, costing a bit much but I knew it was worth it. Even shopping on a full stomach didn't stop me from grabbing everything I thought looked fatty and delicious. I picked up some avocados as a healthy fat option, along with some more multivitamins to help supplement anything I would be missing. The chips were not on sale, so I looked elsewhere. The frozen section contained loads of ice cream, and luckily there was a sale! 4 tubs for 1 was not that great, but it justified buying more so I didn't mind. I ended up with 15 tubs of a variety of flavours. The normal dairy section was nearby and I happened to spot a carton of heavy cream. It was probably too much for me to handle at this point, but I knew I needed to at least try, so I grabbed one thing of it. The total was pretty expensive, not quite matching my previous grocery bill of around 70 dollars, but it was still a lot.  

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