Chapter 15 - Lazy Days

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It was not as pleasant waking up today as it was yesterday. It felt lonely even though it was the norm for me. It didn't take long for the strike of normality to hit me again though. I showered, got dressed in my regular outfit of jeans and a plain shirt, and then began prepping my breakfast. I wasn't planning on having a repeat of yesterdays painful endavor so it was back to three things of ramen. I started working on my Thursday classes while eating the bland noodles. 

An hour past by and it felt like nothing happened. The ramen was gone now, leaving me pleasantly full, and I finished the first bit of my schoolwork for the day. I decided to take a small break before continuing work on my other class. I hadn't posted anything online for a bit so I decided to take some pics of my slightly stuffed belly. As I uploaded the photos it was clear that I had gained something, so I was hoping that it would leave me with a slightly more responsive crowd than normal. So far my posts had been getting a few views here and there, but nothing really substantial. No comments, likes, a few follows which did help me financially, even if it was just a little, but nothing that pressed me on. Having Trista in a more active feeder role was helpful, but I was on my own for the next two days. 

A couple of hours later after uploading my photo, I had finally finished the rest of my schoolwork  for the day. I decided to stop by for a slightly early lunch at McBurgers. I had a large supply of food I should be going through, but I didn't mind paying the extra bit for something other than ramen or ice cream. 

I was pretty hungry but not starving so I debated on my order. I realized it was only a week ago I made the order than changed my lifestyle. Two Big Mac'n combos, lots of food, and a girlfriend later and her I am in the same position again. The resteraunt was mostly empty and had no line, but I didn't mind taking my time to order. No one else was behind me, and I felt a bit more confident in myself. I decided I could handle a Chick'n combo, and a Big Mac'n combo with potential for something else later. Now I just had to order.

"Hello! Could I get a Chick'n combo and a Big Mac'n combo please?"

"To stay or to go?"

I thought it would be fun to make things a little more interesting this time around.

"To stay please."

"Okay that'll be 11 dollars."

"Here you go!"

It was exciting revealing my hidden self to the world. I hadn't done this since I went to Andrew's Milkshake and Burgers a while ago. While I was generally much more introverted, I took on a whole new persona when I started thinking about eating. My gut saying more and more, until my mind kicked in reminding me of my limits. 

"Order number 101. One Big Mac'n combo and one Chick'n combo?"

"That's mine, thank you!"

I grabbed an empty booth by the window and then started to chow down. I started with the big mac'n to get rid of the thing I was more used to first. It tasted good, though it didn't have that mystic quality that it had a week ago. I went to fill my drinks at the soda fountain, mixing together sprite and orange juice in one, and cola and root beer in the other. While not as good as the normal pop, mixing them together was a bit fun and gave more unique flavours than normal. I finished my big mac'n with little problem, and I moved onto the chick'n burger. It was just overloaded with mayonaise, I had to wipe some off even. I didn't mind mayo that much, but there was a crossing point and Mcburgers crossed it all the time. The burger still was really good despite the overload, I could never get enough of crispy chicken. I was now pretty full again, but I still had my fries and a bit of both pops left. The fries never were that filling, and these fries in particular were easy to eat by the dozen. 

A short while later and my public lunch was finished. I noticed the glaring looks from the cashier and one of the customers. A person of my stature normally didn't glutton out, but it only empowered me more. I stood out from the crowd, and it made me feel happy with my decision. One week and I had gained quite a bit already. Ice cream, mint milkshakes, burgers, mud pie, lots of ramen, probably too much ramen actually, fish, chips... these were all things I threw down my gullet in an attempt to fatten myself up. It never not sounded weird to me, but it always sounded right.

I didn't want to do anything, my schoolwork was done, and I was full. I needed a hobby of some sorts, besides watching endless videos. I had a laptop and the whole internet in front of me, so I decided to search for ideas. I didn't want anything expensive, which narrowed down the list quite a few. I eventually came down to video games, which I guess I could do. Some were free and were online, while others were massive single player campaigns. I never really played much games growing up, strict parents and all, so I didn't know what I liked. I downloaded a few and tried them out.

The first person shooter was fun, but I got bored of it after a while. The MOBA was way too much for me, and I didn't like the community much. The platformer was okay, but I sucked at it a lot. I was running out of options. I decided to search for things I thought I would like before I got a realization. There's probably weight gain related games, so why not try one of them? I found some websites filled to the brim with games. Text adventures, visual novels, rpg's all the like. I found one particular rpg that looked interesting. It had a girl have to eat enough food to lay the smackdown on her enemies, which were made of food themselves! I downloaded the game and four hours later I was still hooked. I was getting hungry so I saved my progress, revealing I was only 2% done. It was safe to say I had something to do for a while.

I made my supper of a thing of ramen and two melted ice cream tubs. Vanilla, chocolate, nothing special. It was bland having to work with the same thing over and over again, but until my online  presence kicked up I wouldn't have the money to justify more unique and better tastes. As I poured the last of the choclate down my throat, I was stuffed. Button undone, swollen tummy, and I was red in the face. As I began rubbing my tummy I just thought of ways to increase my online presence. It felt good being stuffed, but not having the connection with other people made it not as enjoyable. I know I have Trista, but she won't always be there for every stuffing of mine, so I knew I needed to find something. 

I began thinking up of an online persona I could use. People generally didn't care too much about the overall person, just their looks, but a good personality could hook people in. I searched up some popular bbw models that were in the weight gaining community to see what was liked best. Some had a different brand of clothing that they would show themselves grow out of, some would do roleplay, and others would do their own unique thing. I liked the clothing thing, and it wasn't hard to come up with what I wanted. Tight black jeans with a prominent belt would be a good look I thought, and it had extra appeal being that it was my work outfit and it wouldn't be hard to get a bigger size. I wanted to also talk during my videos, to get that closer connection, but I couldn't figure out what personality would suit me. Gamer girl wouldn't, the typical "slut" wouldn't, and nothing else really did. I set up my phone and just decided to record myself anyways, seeing what came out.

"Hey everyone! I'm..."

A name, I needed a pseudonym. I searched for a few common names and I couldn't find any that suited me. Chubbygirl, Beltburster, etc. none of them fit me. Maybe my actual name wouldn't be so bad? I was going to be recognized if I got big anyways, and I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to dox me or something even without my real name. 

I decided that I was just going to be me, Mindy Dewart.

I hope that was good enough.

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