Chapter 3 - Awakening

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My alarm came too early for my liking, but my phone didn't lie, it was 8:00 AM and it was time to get up. My morning routine never consisted of nothing interesting. I made my bed and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. I used to take evening showers but morning showers helped me wake up easier so I made the switch a few weeks ago. I loved taking long showers, generally lasting fifteen minutes or so before the water got cold. The warmth of the water and the mix of the lovely scents from the shampoo and conditioner I used always made for a relaxing experience. 

Coming out of the shower I wrapped my towel and looked up at the mirror. Any resemblance to the little bit of belly I had yesterday was gone, as I had predicted. I was somewhat, disappointed? I decided to move my thoughts else where in a attempt to not be weirded out. I focused on applying my makeup to my face. I was never exactly a "hot" girl but I think I looked decent all things considered. My eyes were my best facial feature, being a brilliant blue that grabbed peoples attention in the off chance I made eye contact with them. My hair was dyed pink and I had it styled in a ponytail, something I am willing to change but I don't know what I would want instead so I am keeping it as is for now. I generally wore a red blouse for my top and a pair of jeans. I never was never too enamored with fashion, I liked to keep things simple when I could. 

Thursdays only had me partake in online classes, and they were all asynchronous at that. Having no need to dedicate specific timeslots to different classes made it very easy to procrastinate, but I wanted to at least start strong. I ate my breakfast that consisted of two fried eggs while doing the work for my first of three classes today. Eggs were never my favourite, but they were easy to make so I didn't mind having them.

After finishing the other two classes I had for the day it was already noon, meaning it was time for lunch. I was a little hungrier than normal, doing close to four hours of straight classwork seemed to have that effect on me. I searched my fridge for anything but there was only a few things here and there. I needed to go to the grocery store but in the time being I guess I could eat out.

McBurger being right beside my apartment was covenant for my sake. A short elevator ride later and I was deciding my meal for the second day in a row. Buying fast food two days in a row didn't sit well with me, but I was too lazy too do anything else. The same cashier from yesterday was there. Not wanting to make the same mistake of taking too long to order as I did yesterday I just stepped up to order, thinking I'd get the same meal as yesterday.

"Hello, could I get a Big Mac'n combo with a coke, no ice?"

"Sure, that will be 6 doll-"

I don't know what came over me, but I said something I didn't expect myself.

"Sorry, could you make that two Big Mac'n combo's?"

"Absolutely, that will be 12 dollars, your order number will be on your receipt."

Maybe my sub-conscious made note of me being a little hungry after yesterday's meal, but I don't know why I would order something way too big for me. I felt some odd sensation though, like I wanted this? The same feeling I felt last night when I saw my little belly. What was it about fat that made me feel weird?

"Number 189, two Big Mac'n combo's?"

"Thank you"

I left before I could hear the little thank you speech, I felt a little anxious about ordering the two fast food meals. I walked back to my apartment and took the elevator to my room. I took out my two meals and put them on my small little table. 

"How on earth am I going to eat all of this?"

My impulsive actions left me here, but instead of saving one for later I wanted to eat both meals. With my stomach grumbling, I had nothing else to do but eat what I had bought. My coke was filled all the way this time, something I would have been happy to remember any other time.  Still, my first combo meal left me the same as yesterday, decently filled but still a little hungry. 

As I grabbed my second burger I opened my mouth wide and began to take a giant bite. I made it about halfway through my second combo before I started to feel pretty full. At this point I had to take smaller bits of my burger, then washing it down with a sip of coke. As I slowed down my eating I began to appreciate the aspects of the meal more. The warm patty and the splash of mayonnaise with a hint of ketchup made me appreciate the combo in a new way. Washing down each bite with a sip of the cool and refreshing cola made it all the better. After I finished the burger, I moved on to finish the fries. My stomach felt as full as it had been at Thanksgiving, but I pressed on. The overly generous amount of salt and grease made the fries easier to eat one by one. With my coke gone now too, I had just a few fries. I took my last few bites and my feast was done.

The small little food baby I had last night returned in a larger capacity. My stomach was as hard as a rock, and I could do nothing but lie down on my bed and rub my stomach. The pain I felt was one I hadn't felt before, but I also felt the same feeling that I had felt last night and this morning. I couldn't ignore this feeling anymore, and I took to searching up something. 

"Wanting to gain weight"

My search resulted in wanting to gain more muscle not to my surprise. The search did not yield anything for me though, so I tried again.

"Wanting to get fat"

Upon this search I stumbled upon what I had been missing, a part of me I had all along that had been revealed. I saw people that were insanely fat, chugging down heavy cream, downing a dozen burgers like it was nothing, and eating entire cakes. All what I saw made me piece together different aspects of my life. From my frequent viewing of very specific episodes of animated shows where characters got fat, to my weird dreams I have had for ages, I knew something for the first time in my life. 

I wanted to gain weight. I wanted to get fat.

I didn't know how or why, but I felt like I needed to for some reason. I rubbed my hardened stomach once again, I felt invigorated. Questions poured into my head.

"How can I afford to get the amount of food I need to gain weight?"

"What will my parents think"

"Will I be even further of an outcast at school?"

I decided to tackle those questions later. I took a nap as I didn't have any schoolwork for the rest of the day. When I awoke my stomach was still pretty hard, but I was now at a comfortable amount of fullness. I decided to go to the grocery store to fill up my fridge.

After driving down to the grocery store, I headed my way in. With my recent splurge of money, eating out three times today and yesterday, I spent a little less than I would have liked given my recent awakening. I decided not to get anything like heavy cream or a cake as I knew I couldn't finish them. My final bill was 90 dollars, leaving me a little light on my pockets. I only worked three days a week so I didn't have a huge amount of income, not to mention rent. I needed a second revenue stream, I just didn't know what.

My supper consisted of a simple pack of ramen and a banana. I was still a little full from my earlier meal, but I knew I needed to eat something. I browsed my computer looking for ideas for a secondary revenue stream, but I came up fruitless. A few videos later and I prepared myself for bed.

I searched up the same thing as earlier, wanting to explore more of the world I had discovered. I finally knew what people meant when they said they felt "turned on." After a couple of hours of going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, I knew I needed to sleep soon for my class tomorrow. The idea of posting my progress came into my head. Maybe that was the way to make the extra income I needed? It was hard to sleep, I was so excited!


Apologies for not posting in a while despite saying I would. Something came up unfortunately so I wasn't able to post daily. Thanks for reading, and I hope to post again soon!

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