Chapter 5 - More and More

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Despite having an in-person class, Friday was relatively light course-wise. After my class I decided on going for an early lunch. Having the same fast-food place two days in a row was not ideal, so I decided to mix it up and try something new. Most places near the university and downtown were the typical chain restaurant. I spotted a local milkshake place that was not that long of a drive away. 

A 15 minute drive later and I was at "Andrew's: Milkshake and Burgers." While not the most unique name I was driven to comer here based on the looks of the food online. I also decided to check the calorie count to help contribute to my cause as best as I could. All of the extra large milkshakes were easily over one thousand calories, I couldn't wait! 

The place had a low amount of activity, but there was at least a line so I could have some time to think over my order. The menu consisted of so many options but the mint chocolate supreme caught my eye. I figured one of those would be more than enough.

"Hello, could I get one mint chocolate supreme milkshake?"

"Woah, must be hungry.  To stay or to go?"

I was a little embarrassed from the comment, but I knew if I continued down this path that it would only get worse from here. Knowing it was best to get used to the public eye I decided to stay for my gluttonous endeavor.

"Okay, that'll be seven dollars." 

The cheap price counteracted the driving distance, but I was still pleasantly surprised by the lower than normal cost. The cashier handed me a card as well, one of those "Buy X things and get one for free" cards.  The deal was not bad here though, only requiring four milkshakes of at least a large size to get one of any size for free. Eating here might become a little more common than I had thought.

"One Mint Chocolate Supreme."

"That's mine, thank you!"

The milkshake was massive, being almost the size of a big gulp. Chocolate cookies mixed in with a cool green ice cream that just looked delightfully thick. I grabbed a corner booth and dug in. The ice cream was delightfully creamy, and had just the right amount of mint that left you feeling refreshed. The cookie bits and crumbs balanced out the smoothness with an exquisite chocolaty texture. Each bite was filling, but I wanted more and more of the sweet concoction. I reached about three quarters of the way before I began to struggle a bit. My shirt revealed the state of my belly, showing off the sturdiness as it was filled to the brim with the delicious dessert. One spoonful at a time I finished off the milkshake, rubbing my belly at the same time as it provided me immense salinification. 

My large meal left me in a euphoric state. I realized that I spread out my legs at some point to provide a little more room for my stomach. I also soon realized I was getting a few stares from a few people, probably wondering how and why a small girl like me would eat something so caloric. 

After a brief wind-down period I headed to my apartment and then to work. My work schedule was finally settling down, with me working Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 2:00 to 9:00 PM. Having the permanent seven hour shifts along with having weekends was a very nice convivence, though working on average one less day per week than I had was going to make paying for all of this food I've been buying a lot harder.

My shift went about the same as last time, nobody showing up until the brief bit of activity around supper, leaving me to stay in the break room. I wanted to desperately watch more videos exploring the world of weight gain, but I knew there had to be limits. I instead caught up on my usual plethora of videos that I normally watched during the off hours,. I snacked a bit on my supper that I had brought as I was getting hungrier as it approached near dinner. It was just a normal ham sandwich and a small bag of chips but it was already gone before I knew it. I guess I was going to bed a little hungrier tonight.

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