Chapter 14 - Reparation

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I really couldn't do anything but lie down for the next little bit. It my current stuffed state all I could do was just wait for the painful sensation to end. I tried to sleep but it was no use, all I could concentrate on was my stomach. I tried to get up to do some of my schoolwork for later, but it was to no avail. Nothing to do but rub my belly until I felt better. As I rubbed my belly I was surprised by its form. I was stretched to my absolute maximum, almost on the cusp of vomiting, but seeing this large thing stick out from me, it felt so foreign, so alien. I loved it.

 It was weird to think about my future. I had no desire to stop gaining, but everyone has a limit. Right? If this was me stuffed to my limit now, what would I look like stuffed later down the line? I had always been envisioning a slightly chubbier me when I pictured my weight gaining process, but now I was seeing a whole new side. A rounder face, a double chin, thunder thighs, a gigantic belly, were all things I was picturing. As I imagined a fat me it felt odd at first, but I started to like it the more I thought about it. 

Plain 'ol me was rather boring. There are thousands upon thousands of people who are okay at art, are social outcasts, and like watching videos online. My desire to gain weight, to get fatter, to be fat, it set me apart. The numbers go down, and soon my own individuality becomes more evident. I now was seeing an even bigger version of me, one that was utterly massive, only this time I saw myself growing even still. I normally dreamed of these things but never thought about them till now. Did I have a limit, or did I just simply like getting fatter? Maybe I liked just growing and not the actual state of being fat? Sort of like a journey versus the destination kind of thing. I realized I probably had not limit, I just always wanted to get fatter. I didn't really like the image of myself being an immobile 900 pound person, but thinking about what was next after that intrigued me beyond belief. 

My deeper self-reflection tired me out. The pain was settling down a bit now, and I just wanted to rest till Trista got back. I was still a bit mad at her for not even attempting at slowing down her stuffing. Her attraction to being overly dominant was one thing, but I never wanted to sick or injured as a result of it. Then again, I am wanting to put myself in a condition where I will inevitably get diabetes or something so I don't know? Besides that, I just wanted her to know that I have limits. She apologized, but I wanted her to truly mean it and get the message. I knew Trista would deliver, but for now, I just wanted to rest.




My phone was buzzing. It was Trista wanting to come up. The time showed that it was close to noon, and I still had done no class work today. I texted Trista.

"I just got up from my nap. I got a lot of schoolwork, so would you mind seeing me tomorrow if that's okay?"

"No problem, but could you invite me upstairs for a sec? I got something for you."

"Sure thing."

Her respecting of my opinion caught me off guard. Not because it was Trista but because most people don't, well namely my parents. If I wanted something, whether it to be alone for a while or not being forced to go to a weekend camp thing, I was always denied. Having someone respect my decisions felt nice, another reminder of the benefits of my adulthood. 

I decided to just watch some videos on my phone till Trista came. My belly was not as swollen, and I was feeling a lot better. Still pretty full after my long rest, but I could go for a light lunch and be perfectly fine.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Hey Mindy. I just really wanted to apologize. I got out of hand, cause I don' know, something? Regardless, I wanted to give you this."

She brought her hands out from behind her back. There was a coupon and two 20 dollar bills.

"It's not much, but I thought that should cover your dinner and a box of donuts if you would like, so you could feed yourself and not get crazy sick. I emailed you the classwork for today as well. There's nothing much, just another abstraction artist thing."

"Thank you Trista. I love you a lot, and I can't get enough of you, but I think we should have a break from each other for a bit. Just till like Saturday night, give us a chance to recuperate. I need you to know that I have my limits, and I should not be forced into something I don't want. Is that alright with you? I still do love you, but I think this needs to happen, for the betterment of us both."

"I understand. I love you Mindy, and I don't want something like this to happen again. So see you, well besides Friday in class, Saturday night?"

"Yeah, if that's okay."


She left without a hug or a kiss. While our thing never turned into a full out fight, it did need to have consequences. No relationship is perfect, and for a first stumbling block, that wasn't too bad. 

Some schoolwork later and I realized that I had forgot about work today. I grabbed my laptop and rushed down to Davie's. It was weird to rush down to just immediately do nothing. I continued my schoolwork in the break room, finishing everything just before the dinner rush. No Marty or Sam this time, but some other familiar faces. It was a busier night, almost getting to a full house at one point. Being busy was good for business, so I didn't mind it if it kept me the job. 

I was exhausted after the rush and I was starving. The 40 dollars Trista gave me were for dinner, so I figured that the only place where dinner would be that expensive would be here. I wasn't in the mood for anything special, so I got the fish and chips as I knew they were amazing. I tried out some of the tartar sauce, something I neglected last time, and I was blown away. I never had tartar sauce before, but its tanginess blended perfectly with the crispiness of the fries and fish. The painting of flavours was a treat to my tastebuds, and sooner or later my plate was gone. My increased limit was evident as I wasn't that full from the meal that fully filled me up only a week ago. I had some extra cash, so I ordered some dessert. I tried out a slice of the mud pie and.




It was fantastic, perfect, exceptional! I loved coffee ice cream already, but the fudge on top mixed with the chocolate cookie crumble blended my favourite things together into perfection. The slice wasn't small, but it wasn't large either. I got a second slice immediately after, it was just so good I couldn't resist. After my two slices I was now decently full. Compared to my prior stuffing, it was nothing, but I needed to unbutton my work pants at some point. After a bit of clean up and closing, I headed home.

While showering I examined my figure like always. My belly, while a bit stuffed, was noticeably sticking out a little bit, and my thighs seemed just a tad closer as well. This was probably a result of the two stuffings that were super close together, but it was nice to see some progress. I weighed myself and saw 122. Once again, I factored my stuffed self and knew it was probably 121. Two pounds in three days was a lot, like a ton. That was more than 7000 extra calories consumed in that time. From what I read online the first few are the hardest, but I was breezing on by. Bit by bit, step by step I was getting fatter. I wanted to be a definitive "chubby" by holiday season. It was the second week of school, and it was still only the 15th. I had plenty of time to reach my goal, but would I have enough to surpass it?

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