Chapter 4 - Humble Beginnings

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Waking up this morning was different from usual. I rushed making my bed, took a quick shower, and went straight to the mirror. Today was the first I was going to track my weight gain progress. I wanted to weigh myself as I hadn't in months. The scale showed me a result of 117 pounds, almost 10 pounds heavier than what I had remembered. My lazy summer must have caught up under my own eyes. Maybe my metabolism wasn't as fast as I had once thought?

I wore a similar thing to yesterday, this time a white shirt with jeans. I now wanted nothing more than to outgrow my normal everyday clothes. The thought of having a muffin top was something I could not wait for.

I decided to make a three egg omelet for breakfast, loading it with cheese and bacon. Just seeing the strands of cheesy goodness as I cut into my meal. The gooeyness of the cheese made it a delight to eat, and the bacon provided an excellent crunch that only further drove the amazing taste of the omelet.  I had a big glass of orange juice to help wash it down, getting some natural sugars and vitamin C so I would not totally decimate my health. I was left comfortably full and satisfied. 

While I was striving for a larger figure I did know that it would take time. Even after a filling meal, there was no obvious change in my figure. Having patience, knowing my limits, and pacing myself were going to be the keys to getting the body I desperately wanted. 

I realized that I spent too much time on my morning meal and that I was going to be late to class. I drove the short drive to Henwin university and ran to my class.

"Ah, I see Ms. Dewart is late on only the second day of this class."

"Sorry, I oversle-"

"Just take a seat. I've heard them all by this point."

My poor excuse, and a lie at that, already painted a poor image for Mr. Fletcher. Class proceeded with us practicing some sketches of abstract art. I was always interested in abstraction but had never fully dove into it. Learning the specific techniques used and knowing the history opened up a whole new canvas for me.

 "Okay class, I will have you share your sketches with the person I pair you with. Please be respectful of each other, and give constructive criticism that gives the person something to learn from."

I waited as he called out the names of different pairs of students. I tried to remember the names that I had ignored during my first day, but was only able to fully catch a couple of them.

"Ms. Dewart, you will be paired up with Ms. Oberfield."

I saw the girl whom I presumed to be my partner walk towards me. She was a brunette with her hair straight down, on the taller side, and had an absolutely amazing face. I seemed to be matched up with the popular girl, something I was always a little cautious of .

"Hey, I'm Trista! You're Mandy, right?"

"Close, but it's Mindy actually!"

"Oh sorry. Must be annoying to get that a lot."

"Nah it's fine. You get used to it anyways."

We started comparing our sketches. She complimented my ideas but thought I needed to realize them more. I thought hers were too straightforward for abstraction, but the quality of the sketch was there. Something I hadn't expected though was what I was more focusing on, which was our conversation. I had never talked this easily to someone else in my whole life! 

"What made you come to Henwin, Mindy?"

"I just wanted to explore the art world and perhaps even find a career opportunity here. Yourself?"

"I don't know to be honest. I was always decent at art so I thought, why not?"

Her initiation of conversation topics made it easy to go back and forth without me overthinking too much. Her friendly demeanor and cheery presence made me regret the presumptions I had about her when I first saw her. I decided to initiate something on my own for once.

"How long ago did you graduate Trista?"

"Oh about three years ago. I took a few gap years to work to help fund my schooling. How about you?"

"I graduated just over a year ago. I was a bit late handing in my application during my senior year so I had to delay my start."

We got to talking about both of our jobs. She worked retail and recently got promoted to supervisor after a few years of working there. She was interested about Davie's as she had never heard of it before. Sooner or later the class was over before we both knew it.

"It was nice talking to you Trista."

"Same to you Mindy! I hope we can see each other soon!"

Look's like it was going to be a good school year after all.

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