6: The Cursed User

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**not super thrilled about this chapter, but i had to push past the writer's block because i'm excited about the story lol. anyway, hope it's not too bad! i'm trying to set up the actual plot now**


I woke up to soft sound of my alarm, not a single ray of light drifting in from the window. I quickly turned off the buzzing, groaning when I realized the time.

How much did I sleep? 3 hours?

Still, as I looked at Geto lying next to me, sleeping peacefully, a gentle wave of bliss washed over me.

Nothing more than some kissing happened last night, but I really loved waking up next to him. I could definitely get used to this.

I carefully wiggled out from beneath is grasp, watching as he rustled in the bed just slightly, adjusting to my absence.

I used the small light of my phone to quickly grab my clothes and a few other things I needed for the day, cautious not to disturb or wake him. With whatever happened to him last night, he needed the rest.

Part of me hoped he'd be able to stay with me again tonight. Despite the craziness of it all, I slept better than I normally do. The comfort of having him next to me, there to protect me just in case, it soothed all of my worries and concerns.

I leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on the head before leaving the room. This was the other part of falling in love that I wanted to avoid, the part where it stung a little bit every time we weren't together.

And given my current life, we would spend most of our time apart. There was still so much think about. So much to be afraid of...

I washed his work uniform last night, and after getting dressed myself, I took it out of the dryer. I hung it up and left it in the living room for him to find.

Less than 8 hours with this man and I'm already acting like some fucking domesticated housewife... cooking, cleaning, laundry.

I couldn't help but laugh. I had never been this attentive in a relationship, and I'm technically not even in a relationship with him yet.


**Geto POV**

My phone rang loudly, and I slowly blinked the sleepiness out of my eyes, trying to reorient myself from the blaring sound. Y/n was gone, but I smiled as I remembered I fell asleep last night with her in my arms.

I really wish she was still here, but dating a doctor, I'd probably have to get used to it. Just like she'd probably have to get used to me always covered with cuts and bruises.

My phone stopped ringing, but it was only seconds before it stared going off again. I sighed as I grabbed it off the nightstand, already feeling annoyed.

"What?" I answered.

"Ah! Suguru!!! Are you dead!?" Satoru squealed from the other end.

I rubbed my eyes and forehead as I spoke, "No, I'm obviously not dead."

"Well you didn't come back last night! And you haven't been answering your phone!"

"What do you need, Satoru?"

"Are you home!?"


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