42: Good Morning

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**Geto POV**

Y/n was fast asleep next to me as we laid in my bed. I couldn't bring myself to look away from her.

Honestly, part of me was terrified if I took my eyes off her she'd disappear. It really all felt too good to be true.

But she was here, and she still loves me.

I gave her the softest kiss on the head before getting up, letting her continue to sleep. I threw on sweats before heading out to the kitchen, deciding to wake her up with some breakfast.

I started on some omelets and coffee, barely even redirecting my attention when Satoru let himself into my apartment.

He's always had a key, but I guess if Y/n's going to be here that should probably change. Or I'd need to try and make some boundaries with him.

It'd definitely be difficult, Satoru and I have always been open with each other about everything. But maybe it's time. I understand where Y/n is coming from... she's not dating him too. Only me.

"Classy," Satoru mumbled as he walked over to the kitchen, leaning his elbows on the counter after poking my neck.

I don't think I've had a hickey since high school, but when she tried to stop from being too rough last night, I really didn't want her to, so I pushed her back into my neck for more. I loved every fucking second of it.

"Thanks," I laughed a little.

"So she's here then?"

"Yea, just asleep in my room."

He sighed as he sat on a stool, "Does that mean she's staying?"

I honestly had no idea. Part of me was avoiding thinking about it altogether. I don't know what I'd do if she left.

"I hope so."

"It literally took you guys less than 24 hours to do..."
he trailed off as he gestured to me. "Whatever the fuck it is you two do."

I couldn't help but smile, still feeling so overwhelmingly happy that she felt the same way about me.

"Best 24 hours of my life," I teased him.

He shook his head as he ate some of the blueberries I had out. Now didn't seem like the time to get into anything with him. With Y/n in the other room, and so many unanswered questions left looming, it seemed pointless.

Besides, I guess I was a little hopeful he'd finally take the hint and start trying to get along with her more.

"Good morning," Y/n called as she walked out into the open space, making her way towards us.

She looked adorable with her hair messily pulled back, one of my old tshirts swimming across her like a dress.

"Hey," Satoru mumbled.

She smiled at him before coming up to me, standing on her toes as she reached up for a kiss.

My heart instantly began racing as our lips met, and even though it was short and quick, it might've been the best kiss I've ever had.

The love of my life waking up in my house. Finally.

She leaned against the counter, starting to share the fruit with Satoru.

"It smells amazing," she smiled up at me. "Thanks for making all this."

My mind was such a mess, fogged with bliss, "There's, uh, coffee if you want it."

"Ooh I'd love some! Do you want any?" she immediately went to pour herself some.


"Gojo?" she offered as she turned to smile at him.

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