38: Some Things Never Change

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**Geto POV**

I was trying so hard to focus on the conversation in front of me, but I couldn't help but to glance over at Y/n every few seconds. I don't think I've ever seen someone look so, well, bored.

If I didn't know her, I would've thought she wasn't paying attention at all. But it's Y/n, so I'm sure she was holding onto every word.

"Suguru?" Satoru snapped, causing me to quickly redirect my focus.

"Hmm? Yea?" I muttered out, realizing that I was the one no longer paying attention.

Y/n smirked softly as I made a fool out of myself, still not looking up from the spot where she was zoned out.

I wanted so badly to know what was going through her head.

"Seriously?" he mumbled back. "What do you think?"

"Oh, uh, yea. It's fine with me," I tried to play it off, but the way Y/n bit down on her lip to keep from laughing let me know how ridiculous I sounded.

Y/n shot me a quick glance, the look in her eyes making me lose focus all over again. I wanted to impress her with how hard I worked to get to where I am, but I was embarrassing myself more and more.

Good thing she looked almost enamored by it all. She always did love seeing me flustered.

"God Suguru, can you please focus?" Satoru grumbled.

Y/n smiled as she looked up, finally entering the conversation for the first time, "I can help Yuuji."

"Really?!" he squealed. "That'll be so fun!"

She laughed, "Yea, It will be."

"Help him with what?" I asked her, not really caring anymore about how dumb I looked to everyone else.

"Training your new first years."

"Oh," I nodded my head. "I'll help too."

She rested her head in her hands as she stared at me, "You don't even know what the training is for, do you?"

I smiled at her, "Does it matter? I'm sure I can keep up."

"Shouldn't the principal be doing something more important than training first years?" Satoru interjected.

"Mm, but what's more important than our students?"

Y/n smirked as she broke her eyes away from mine, biting her lip softly. She was still the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on.

I missed feeling this way. The way my heart fluttered every time I looked at her. Or how I couldn't help but smile whenever she smiled. Not a single thing changed when it came to how I felt about her. She's still my everything.

"Now," one of the newer Protectors spoke up. "The objects."

Satoru nodded his head, "The topic we've all been waiting for..."

"Y/n?" the leader questioned. "Do you still have them?"

"I might," she smirked.

"Good, we'd like them back in our possession now. We plan on sharing them with the sorcerers as a way to solidify our treaty."

"Hiro, you're a bit new to this inner circle, so I'll fill you in," she leaned in on the table, never taking her eyes off the man across from her. "Those objects belong to me. And if I ever see fit to share them with you, or anyone else for that matter, I'll let you know."

"Until then," she pushed back her chair as she got ready to stand. "You can consider them as good as gone."

Satoru instantly stood, facing Y/n at the same time she got up, "Y/n."

Unexpected: Geto x ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara