31: A Visionary

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*Geto POV*

I had been racking my brain for so long now, trying to make it all make sense, but I was lost.

I didn't know what to do next or where to go from here. I couldn't make myself keep going as if my heart wasn't thousands of miles away, locked up with Y/n, wherever she was.

I felt like a shell of a person, so I stayed on my bed for most hours of the day, staring mindlessly at the ceiling.

They said she wanted to leave, that she wanted out of this life. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized she left because she had to.

If she remained in Japan, sorcerers would never leave her or her protectors alone. Not until she gave up the location of everything they were searching for.

I'm sure we all knew that, but lying to ourselves, convincing ourselves she wanted to start over all alone, it was easier to accept.

It was easier to accept the fact that she chose this versus the truth, which was that she was forced to do this. She was forced to sacrifice herself to keep the peace.

All of this combine with Baba's note, it had my head spinning.

She'd remember me too...

It's what Baba wrote, and it's what Baba told me when we were at her home. We were on her porch, waiting for the dinner Y/n and Nanami cooked.

If I only knew what it meant.

It's true that Y/n's plan took care of everyone, protected everyone. Not a single person was forgotten about.

We spent hours and hours with the higher ups and clans and jujutsu high staff combing through every aspect of her plan, and there wasn't a single loose end.

All of us, we were completely on her terms. This was her match, and sorcerers lost miserably.

Did Baba know her plan? Did Y/n figure it all out before Baba passed on? Did it mean that Y/n had something planned for us too?

Was she out there somewhere? Waiting for me?

Impossible felt like an understatement... But then what the hell did Baba's note mean?

I had to know.

It had been almost a month, but now that the dust had settled, I made my decision. I had to find her. I doesn't matter how long it takes, I needed her to know I cared about her just as much as she cared about me.

I broke almost every promise I ever made to her, but I was going to spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to her. If she'll let me.

I worked on packing up a small bag in my apartment when I heard Satoru burst through the front door.

I wasn't really surprised, he'd been showing up everyday since I refused to leave. Still, he had bad timing...

"What are you doing?" he asked as he walked into my room, watching me grab some clothes.

I sighed, "You know what I'm doing."

"Suguru," he stormed over, grabbing me so I was forced to face him. "You can't be serious?"

I stared at him silently. I didn't feel up to arguing.

"You're really leaving!? For her!?" he yelled at me.

"There's nothing for me here," I muttered as I pulled away, heading back over to my closet.

"Really? How can you say that? Your family, your friends, your job... It's all here Suguru. The only thing that's not here is her."

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