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"So you literally just picked up a tray and started working?" Suguru laughed at me.

I laughed with him, "Look! It's not as bad as it sounds. I just really needed a job, and they were overworked, so I offered myself the position."

"Haven't changed a bit," he smirked as he shook his head.

"Ok, but I don't want to charge people for healthcare out there so I had to do something to pay my rent! Serving and bartending seems like just a good a job as any."

Suguru and I had left the school and walked into the city, finding a small restaurant to eat dinner at. It only took maybe 10 minutes before things felt normal again.

No matter what had ever happened between us, nothing ever seemed to change. He was like a magnet constantly pulling me in whenever we saw each other.

When he was around, nothing else seemed to matter.

"So, how's Japan? Does it miss me?" I teased.

"You know, it's home," he shrugged. "Definitely not the same without you."

I nodded, a little hesitant about his response, "Yea, it's nice to be back for a bit."

"Have you decided if you want to stay or not?"

I rested my head in my hands, "I'm not really sure I guess. I've thought about it, but I've also just thought about moving somewhere new."

"Hmm," he mumbled out.

I scrunched my face at him, "What? You don't think it's a good idea?"

"Well, since you're asking, I think you should move back home."

I sighed, "This isn't home Suguru. It hasn't been for quite some time."

"But it could be," his voice softened as his eyes intensified.

"A lot of places could be."

I watched as he pushed his food around a bit, avoiding my gaze altogether now.

"Is there, uh, is there a reason you want to go back? Is someone there waiting for you?" he asked, barely even audible.

"What, like a dog?" I laughed. "You know I've never really been into pets. Seems like a big commitment."

He laughed as he shook his head, "No, not like a dog. You know what I mean..."

"I am not in a relationship, no." I couldn't help but to smile at him as he quickly glanced up, a visible look of relief on his face.

"So what about you? Are you dating anyone?" I asked, trying to sound casual. Not like it should matter who he's dating, but I was curious.

"Um, well, to be honest, I was with someone for a little over a year, but we broke up a couple months ago."

I smiled and nodded, taking a deep breath as I tried to keep my composure. Still, I felt a tinge of anger bubbling up.

I hadn't dated anyone seriously, and he was with someone for over a year?

Not that he owed me anything, but a part of me broke inside when he said that. At least he was finally being honest with me though. I guess that's some improvement.

It took a moment, but I put together the timeline. A couple months ago they broke up, huh?...

"So did you break up before or after you found out I was coming?" I shot him a flirty smirk. Ok, so, I guess I hadn't changed much because I really wanted to watch him squirm.

His eyes widened and he quickly looked away, causing me to laugh a little more, "I'm just teasing you Suguru. It doesn't actually matter, what happened with us was a long time ago."

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