25: Visitors

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i just wanna thank yall for being so much nicer than the readers of my gojo book lololol

anyway, sorry i didn't have an update over the past couple days. wattpad was making me sad & you just gotta protect your energy sometimes ya know

keep ya head up though 🖤🖤🖤

*Geto POV*

I woke up alone in Y/n's room. When everyone went to sleep last night, I had to sneak in here. I needed to be closer to her.

And it really bummed me out that she was already up for the day. Sleepy Y/n is my favorite. She's always so adorable and cuddly when I wake her up in the morning.

I got up and quickly threw back on my shirt and sweats. After last night, I was so eager to see her.

She spent all night safely wrapped in my arms as we talked about anything and everything. We barely even slept, but it was so worth it.

I got to hear all about her home and her family. Memories with her parents and grandparents. How she fell in love with medicine and healing people. Her time learning piano and singing to her family.

There was so much to learn about her, but every time she opened up, I fell more in love... I really hope our kids take after her. She's so incredibly talented and passionate and confident.

She's everything I could hope for in a partner, and she never fails to leave me in awe, eager to be a better man for her.

I still felt so awful for ever doubting her.

"Hey, where's Y/n?" I asked as I made my way to the table where Nanami, Satoru, and Baba were already drinking tea and eating breakfast.

"She's helping out with some of the morning chores around the village," Baba answered without even looking up.

Of course she was. I'm not even surprised anymore. The selflessness of that woman was astounding.

"Do you think she needs some more help?" I asked as I started towards the front door.

"No need," Y/n smiled as she popped up in the doorway, taking off her shoes.

Her hair fell messily around her face, sticking slightly to her with a light frame of sweat. Dirt was smudged a bit on her cheeks and nose. But with the way she smiled, you'd think she just got back from vacation, not finished farm work.

I smiled as I walked up to her, "Hey, you should've woken me up too. I could've helped."

"That's ok," she stood on her toes to give me a gentle kiss. "You needed the sleep. You've been looking pretty exhausted lately."

"Friends, huh?" Baba called out before sipping on her tea, making Y/n laugh.

Y/n didn't know about my talk with her grandma, but as Baba glanced over at me, I could tell she was pleased. Someday I'd have to thank her for talking some sense into me.

"I'm going to shower, but you guys feel free to start looking around," Y/n spoke as she walked towards the back of the house.

"Hey, wait up," I called out, chasing after her.

She stopped and turned around to face me, tilting her head a bit, "Hmm? You good?"

I brought her into a hug, my knees feeling weak as she nuzzled into my chest, "Yea, just miss you."

"Cute," she let out a soft little giggle.

I tilted her head up to look at me, smiling as her bright eyes met mine, "Are you saying you don't miss me?"

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