36: Invitation

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*time skip hehe*

"What's a girl gotta do to get a drink around here?"

I smirked as I looked at the girl taking a seat at the bar stool in front of me.

"Well, well. Look who it is," I laughed a little bit.

Aiko smiled at me as she leaned against the bar, resting her head in her hands, "I can't believe how long it's been."

"3 years?"

She nodded, "Almost four."

Hearing that out loud made it difficult to breathe. The days sometimes crawled by, but the years were gone before I could blink.

I settled in a small town off the coast Argentina after leaving Flores, and no one has really bothered me since.

I helped as the village's doctor on occasion, but mostly, I just worked in this small bar and cafe near the edge of the sea.

It was a quiet life. Quaint. I knew the people here, and I absolutely loved every moment of being alive. I couldn't lie that it got lonely on occasion, but that didn't mean I wasn't happy.

Seeing Aiko though, it was a little overwhelming. It filled me with memories I desperately wanted to forget but my heart refused to let go.

"So what can I get you?" I asked, trying once again to avoid thinking about anything that reminded me of my old life.

"Just the usual."

I felt her eyes watching me carefully as I filled the glass with vodka and tonic, Aiko's drink for as long as I've known her.

"Your ring is beautiful," I smiled at her as I passed over the glass.

She lit up as she looked down at her hand, "He definitely did a great job picking it out."

"He knows you well," I loved seeing her so happy. "I hope I get to meet him someday."

"Well, funny you should say that," she peered back up at me.

I tilted my head, "Is he here?"

"No, but maybe you'll be back home sooner than you think," she smiled.

I quickly turned away to start putting bottles away and cleaning up, "I am home."

"Y/n," she called my name, but I really wasn't feeling up to talking about my return to Japan. I had forced myself to accept the fact I'll probably never be back.

"Why'd you come Aiko?" I asked her, still not giving her my full attention.

She was one of the very few people who knew where I was. Mya knew, and I think the leaders of the Protectors. But that was it.

"It's time," she handed me a folded up paper.

I shot her a questioning glare, snatching the paper from her. I quickly began to read it over.

It was an official letter from the sorcery higher ups. It happened a lot sooner than I thought it would, but it happened.

Sorcerers had new leadership. Those cute little students graduated and the worst of the people in charge were either killed, replaced, or retired.

And they wanted to meet with the protectors to start a new allyship. The amount of curses in Japan was increasing, and they wanted to work together to solve the problem.

I handed back over the letter, a soft smile on my face, "That's such great news. You'd all be able to come out of hiding."

I was the only one that left Japan, but most from
the organization had to lay low ever since the confrontation with sorcerers. And I'm sure they were eager to get things back to how they were, or at least somewhat normal.

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