7: dessert for dinner

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"Ah! Sorry I'm late!" I called out as I ran out of the hospital, waving to Geto.

He laughed as he watched me, "It's fine, Y/n. Really."

"I just really needed to shower," I explained as I rested my hands on my knees, already out of breath from running out here.

"Mm," he touched my wet hair. "You'll get sick if you don't dry your hair."

I smirked as I stood, finally noticing what was in his hands, "And what's that for Geto?"

His face immediately became flustered, darting his eyes away from me, "I got them for you."

I smiled as he handed me the bouquet of flowers, immediately putting the petals to my nose. It was so beautiful and simple, a bundle of lavender and baby's breath, and it smelled so amazing.

"It's beautiful, Geto. Thank you."

"I didn't know what you like, but your apartment is pretty minimalist, so I went with something simple."

I used my free hand to gently pull him down to me, leaving a soft kiss. I had thought about kissing him all day, and the way his lips felt against mine, it was even better than I remembered.

I tried to pull away, but he quickly grabbed me back in. He wrapped his arms around my waist, continuing to kiss me as if we weren't outside of a hospital ER at 1 in the morning. I didn't care though, I absolutely loved every second of it.

"I missed you," he breathed out as we broke apart, both of our eyes consumed with a fiery desire.

"I missed you too."

He smiled as he left a kiss on my forehead, quickly holding my hand as we began to walk together. I couldn't get the stupid grin off my face as we walked, smelling my flowers every few seconds.

"You know," I looked up at him. "Lavender is actually my favorite. Good choice."

He smiled proudly, "Most of your candles are lavender scented, so I figured you must love it."

"Mm so someone went snooping around my apartment," I teased as I nudged him playfully.

I watched as his jaw tensed up a little bit with my joke. I didn't actually care that he looked around. I told him to make himself at home, so why did he get all weird?

"Your apartment is kinda small," he smirked as he glanced down at me, finally breaking the tense silence that was beginning to form.

I let out a loud laugh, "Hey! It's not that bad! And it's cheap!"

He shrugged, "It suits you."

"Small and cheap is what suits me?"

His eyes went wide as he looked at me, "N-no! No! That's no what I meant!"

"I'm kidding Geto," I laughed at him. "My jokes are not landing with you tonight."

He chuckled nervously, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand, "Yea, sorry, I'm just nervous."

"Nervous?" I tilted my head. "Nervous about what?"

He stopped suddenly, facing me as his eyes narrowed into mine. His sudden intensity flustered me, and I quickly averted his gaze, taking a small step back.

I know it's unintentional, but he can be so scary... like I'm a child about to get scolded or something.

He gently held my face, making me look at him once again, "Can I take you on a date?"

I furrowed my brows at him before I let out a laugh, "A date? That's what you're nervous about?"

"Well... yea," he mumbled, a tint of pink hitting his cheeks.

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