33: My Flower

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**Geto POV**

"Fuck!" I yelled as I threw the shitty book across the room. I had this thing for weeks now and couldn't figure out a single thing.

I wasn't a fucking detective. How did she expect me to understand any of this? I was out of patience. Why wouldn't she just tell me where she was going? If she actually wanted me around, why would she play this stupid game with me?

I sat up on the edge of my bed, pushing my hands back through my hair as Gojo walked in laughing.

I glanced up at him as I drooped my head low, "What the fuck is so funny?"

"You," he smirked as he sat down next to me.

Once I realized I had no real starting point, I came back to my apartment in Tokyo. I had no where else to go... So here I was, day in and day out trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do next.

I just wanted to see her already, but I was losing all of my hope. Gojo's incessant mocking definitely wasn't helping either. Still, he was worried about me, so he was almost always by my side these past few weeks.

"It's like she's still toying with my heart, even from probably thousands of miles away," I mumbled.

He chuckled, "You're so fucking dramatic. Why don't you just move on already?"

"I don't want to move on Gojo! I love her!" I didn't mean to yell as loud as I did, but I couldn't help it.

He put up his hands defensively, "Fine, fine. How bout you finally let me help?"

"Why? So you can find her and then kidnap her again?"

He laughed as he stood up to grab the book that was lying on the floor, "I already told you I wouldn't. Let me just take a look."

I had been telling him no for so long because the book wasn't meant for him. It was meant for me, and I also didn't know if I fully believed him. But right now, I was beyond desperate.

"Fine," I muttered as he sat back down next to me.

He began to flip through the pages, stopping to read some of her notes.

"Those are all just random thoughts. I think the writings at the back of the book are the clues."

He smirked, "Who annotates for fun? What a fucking nerd."

It was hard to believe looking back at everything, but I think Gojo actually really admires Y/n. It's as if he gained a new respect with her sacrifice. Too bad it took so damn long for him to get on board. It would've made my life a whole lot easier had he started sooner.

Not that I should need his approval anyway... That part is on me.

"Suguru," he paused as he looked up at me, breaking my trance.

"Hmm? What?" I looked over at him.

"Are you sure you love her?" his voice was soft and sensitive, as if he was truly asking me that and not just being a dick. But why would he even begin to question that? Haven't I made it obvious?

"It's ok if you don't, or even if it's just an infatuation," he started up again but I quickly cut him off.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I was getting angry once again. "Of course I love her."

He sighed as he handed me back the book, pointing to one of the notes she had written.

look for the history of the guardian sword

"The Guardian Sword, her grandfather found it in Guatemala. Can't remember what town she said, some little fucking island, but do you really not remember that story?"

My heart shattered as he spoke. The man who literally hated her at one point figured this out in a matter of minutes. And me, I didn't even remember something so fucking simple.

No wonder he asked if I loved her... If I loved her, shouldn't I have known? Shouldn't I have been listening?

I threw my head down into my hands, not caring that Gojo was about to watch me cry over this girl for like the hundredth time. I never fucking cried before I met her, now it's all I knew how to do.

My mind just didn't work correctly when it came to her. Nothing made sense. My emotions were all over the place and all logic went out the window.

I knew how much I had hurt her, how much I had let her down, and I think I resented myself for it. I think part of me didn't want to find her because she would be better off without me.

"Flores," I mumbled as I finally got myself under control and looked at him. "Flores is the name of the island."

"That's right," he laughed. "Because you called her your flower after the story, like a fucking loser."

I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"Do you think she's still there?" I asked, looking for some sort of encouragement.

He nodded, "I know she is."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because if she's waiting for you, there's no way she would've left."

I eyed him carefully, "Can I really trust you?"

"I promise you can."

"Then will you come with?"


**Y/n POV**

"Nanami!" I called as I walked back out into the living room of our small apartment.

He had his nose in a book as always, but quickly looked up to meet my gaze, "Yes Y/n?"

I plopped down on the couch next to him, "Let's cook something nice tonight!"

He smirked as he closed his book and put it on the coffee table, giving me his full attention, "What'd you have in mind?"

"I don't know," I sighed as I rested my head in my hand, staring blankly as I thought about it. "Something that goes well with white wine."

He chuckled, "So you want an excuse to drink?"

"Hey! Not true!" I laughed with him. "And as if I need an excuse to drink... It just sounds nice."

He nodded, "It does. I could make us fish, and get some fresh vegetables down at the market."

My eyes immediately brightened, "That sounds perfect! And I'll make us something for dessert! Something light and summery to go with your delicious dinner."

"Let me get changed," he smiled at me before standing up. "I'll go get everything."

"You want me to go?" I offered.

"No, I have better taste in wine."

"Nanami! Geez, tell me how you really feel," I laughed as I got up and followed him. "I could at least come with. We could go together."

"Fine," he agreed.

"Yay!" I squealed as we left the apartment, linking my arm with his. "This'll be fun!"

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