we'll get through it together (requested)

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You walked down the front porch steps to Yoongi as he got out of the car with his duffle bag over his shoulder and his suitcase behind him.

His head was hung low but at the sound of your voice calling out for him, he lifted it. He saw your arms already opened for him and he walked a little faster, hurrying to get into them.

He dropped his bags and put his arms around you. His cheek fell onto your shoulder and he hid the way his heart felt heavy and began to ache in his chest. He was happy to see you, he'd never lie about that.

But it was under such different and sad circumstances than planned. He wasn't meant to come home yet.

He wasn't set to return to Busan, where your shared apartment is, for a few months. He and the boys were meant to start touring soon.

But plans fell through as the world changed right in front of your eyes. It was all so scary and although he understood perfectly why this all needed to happen, it still broke his heart nonetheless.

You could tell he was putting on a brave face, although you could tell he was genuinely smiling at you when your eyes met.

He looked so tired. He's been working hard the last few weeks, but he never complains about that. The time was spent with the boys; his brothers and best friends.

But he could use a night of relaxation and you were determined to let him have that. After all, he's got some unplanned time to relax and rest up, and you're gonna make sure he gets just that.

"Come on." You whispered as you pulled away, reaching down to grab his bag for him.

But he gently pushed your hand away. It was a little heavy, so he'd get it himself, although he appreciated you wanting to help.

He put it back over his shoulder, his hand pulling the suitcase behind him, and his other securely wrapped in yours.

You closed the door behind him as he set his bags on the floor. You figured he'd want to sit on the sofa but he took your hand again and led you to your bedroom.

He fell onto the bed with a heavy sigh, his eyes slipping shut as the mattress dipped as you crawled in beside him.

You hovered over him and he opened his eyes. He couldn't even try to hold back his smile when you kissed his cheek and let your lips linger while his eyes stayed locked with yours.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." He said, but he was lying and you knew that.

But you figured he'd tell you all the thoughts running through his busy brain when he was ready. Until then, you wouldn't dare push him and would spend the entire night trying to make him feel a little better.

"What do you wanna do?"

"Hold you." He spoke and put his arms around you as you laid down beside him. "Whatever you want is fine. I don't mind." He added and you decided to turn on a movie, a comedy, at that.

You hoped it'd help to cheer him up. You'd do anything to see him a little happier, although you know it's gonna take some time.

He felt tense, so you gave him a little massage to help him relax. You ordered his favorite meal from his favorite spot in town. You held him close and you let him hold you tight whenever he pleased.

But as it started to get later, his mind started to run away from him. He pulled his phone from the nightstand. His lock screen was the two of you, while his home screen was of him and the boys.

He stared at the photo in sadness. Although he knows he's got them, and you, throughout this rough time and he'd get to see them whenever his heart desired, which was a lot, he'd still miss them.

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