he's clingy (requested)

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Yoongi rubbed his tired eyes as he looked back at the clock. It was getting late, the time now after midnight.

He's trying so hard to stay awake so he can see you when you get home and give you that hug he knows you're going to be in need of. But he's exhausted and struggling to stay awake. He's already caught himself falling asleep a few times throughout the night.

Despite how badly he wants to wait up for you, he knows he stands no chance.

He's a little sad he has to go up to bed alone tonight. He wishes you could go up to bed together. But with him being busy with the group and you being a doctor, it's very rare that you get nights like that.

He left the door unlocked and kept the lights on for you so you wouldn't have any trouble when you get home. He turned off the tv and made his way up to the bed, where he managed to get just enough energy to brush his teeth before he laid in bed and covered up before closing his heavy eyes. He hoped it wouldn't be too long until the bed dipped and you'd be in his arms.

He ended up falling asleep, but he awoke not long after. He groaned as he began to feel a little cold. He rolled over, hoping you'd be there to hold onto. But he felt the cold sheets against his fingertips instead of your warm, soft skin.

He opened his eyes and found it was after three in the morning. While you work late, it's very rare that you ever work this late. Honestly, he was very concerned and staying in bed to fall back asleep wasn't going to be possible when all he could think about was you.

"Y/N?" He said as loudly as possible, but due to how tired he felt his voice wasn't all that loud.

He cleared his throat and walked downstairs, wondering if he'd find you on the sofa or in the kitchen. But the house was empty and your car wasn't in the driveway. He was getting anxious.

He went back upstairs and grabbed his phone. He rushed back down the stairs and began pacing the living room as your phone went to voicemail. He went to call again but just as he pressed his phone to his ear, he heard a car door close quietly in the driveway.

He peeked outside and felt a rush of relief flood over him when he saw you walking up the steps. He opened the front door and pulled you into his arms as soon as you were close enough.

"Oh, Yoongi," You chuckled as he buried his face in your neck. "you scared me."

"You scared me, y/n. You're rarely ever home this late and you didn't call or text me." He said as he lifted his head and looked at you.

He noticed how exhausted and stressed out you looked and suddenly, everything he'd been worried about before fled from his mind.

"You okay?" He asked worriedly, his voice soft, like his sweet brown eyes as he gazed into yours.

"Not really." You said, swallowing the lump in your throat. "It was a hard day."

"I'm sorry." He whispered and pulled you back into his arms. He picked you up and closed the door, carrying you into the kitchen as you held onto him tightly. He made you a warm drink and watched you with an adoring gaze as you sipped on it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

You shook your head.

"No. It's alright. I'm home with you now, that's all I need."

He sent you a sweet gummy smile and kissed your cheek. Despite how tired and stressed you are, you're still as happy to see him as he is to see you.

Well... almost. He was so happy that, as you moved from your chair and sat on his lap instead, he put his arms around you and refused to let you go for even a second.

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