paparazzi touches your bump (requested)

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"It'll be alright. Don't be nervous." Yoongi softly spoke as he rubbed your back soothingly. "I know it always feels a little overwhelming but just think - we're going on vacation! Once we're through the crowd and the chaos, it's just the three of us."

You smiled as he wrapped his arms around you to hug you from behind, his hand brushing lovingly against your bump.

"You're right." You grinned and turned your head to kiss his lips.

He let you go and grabbed the bags from the back of the car before taking your hand into his.

You stared ahead at the large crowd of fans and paparazzi inside the airport.

You and Yoongi are going on vacation - the last vacation you'll share before the baby arrives and you couldn't be more excited.

However, you're a little nervous about the chaos going on inside the airport as everyone waits to catch a glimpse of Yoongi.

You've always been a little intimidated and anxious about large crowds but now that you're so heavily pregnant, you're a little more worried about being around them.

You never know what kind of chaos can break out at the airport when people see Yoongi so close to them and you don't want anything happening to the baby, so you're a little on edge.

But with Yoongi by your side, you feel much safer and much more comfortable.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." You replied before you began to make your way inside.

The fans screamed as you and Yoongi stepped inside.

He waved to them with his free hand and sent them a few sweet smiles before he focused back on you.

No one seemed to have much control as they tried to get close to Yoongi, the only things there to stop them being a couple of guards Yoongi sent to keep you and the baby as safe as possible.

But it was hard to contain everyone, especially when they were so determined and so desperate to get closer.

But Yoongi tried to reassure you that everything was okay and tried to keep you focused on moving forward so you could get closer to boarding.

But the paparazzi quickly got carried away and began to swarm around you both, the flashing lights and shouts from them as they called out your' and Yoongi's names, as well as a bunch of questions.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around you to keep you close to him.

"It's alright, I've got you." He whispered as he kept you safe and secure.

For a moment, everything seemed okay.

The check-in was in sight and you knew it wouldn't be long before the three of you were able to escape from the chaos and board the plane.

But just as you relaxed, someone made out you right back on edge.

One of the paparazzi wanted a better shot and he was determined to get it at any cost.

He invaded your' and Yoongi's personal space by stepping in front of you and reaching out to touch your bump before snapping a few photos as he did so.

"Hey! Get your hands off her!" Yoongi yelled angrily.

The paparazzi quickly pulled his hand away from your bump, jumping over the sound of Yoongi's loud angry voice.

He stopped walking and looked around to gaze at all the fans and paparazzi that had gotten close to you both.

"Give us some space! She's pregnant. Can't you all be at least a little considerate? I know it's hard for you all to do but we need a little space and asking for it shouldn't be such a problem!"

He was furious and so fed up with all the people that refused to respect his space and privacy, especially now that you've got a baby on the way.

"And you!" He yelled as he looked at the paparazzi that had gotten too close. "If you ever touch my wife or her bump again, you're going to regret it! I'm sick of people like you and I will not tolerate anyone intruding on this part of my life. Touch the bump one more time, I dare you!"

His jaw was clenched and you could practically see his blood boiling.

"And so help me, if you ever hurt Y/N or the baby, I'll sue the hell out of you!"

You watched everyone take a step back and Yoongi sent you a smile before continuing to walk with you.

Once boarding the plane a few minutes later, you were finally able to relax a little.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked as he brushed his hand along your bump. "How's the baby?"

"We're both fine." You spoke as you put your cheek on his shoulder. "Thanks to you."

He felt a tiny foot against his hand and cracked a smile before kissing your forehead.

"I think you gave everyone a good scare."

"Good. I'm tired of people invading my privacy and my space. And with the baby being only a couple of months away from being here, I thought they'd be a little calmer and more respectful. But I guess not. That's alright though, I'll take matters into my own hands and I'll do whatever it takes to keep my babies safe."

You grinned and kissed his lips softly.

"We're so lucky." You said as you put your hand over his on your bump. "Thank you. We love you."

"I love you both more." He smiled against your lips as he pulled you in for another kiss, so in love and so thankful that you and the baby were safe.

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