when are you getting married? (requested)

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"Movie's over. What should we do next?" Yoongi asked your young niece, who was curled up to you on the sofa.

You and Yoongi are watching her for the day and so far, she's been a little angel.

When she first got dropped off, she was full of energy and since she brought over some of her favorite toys, you and Yoongi sat on the floor to keep her occupied as she played.

But she's lost some of that energy and she's looking completely exhausted now, almost falling asleep with her head on your shoulder.

"I think someone's tired." You said as you brushed your fingers through her hair. "Do you want to take a nap and then we'll watch some more movies?"

She slowly nodded her head, tired eyes slipping shut as she did so.

"I'm going to get her some more juice and a blanket. Can you watch her for a minute?" You asked Yoongi and watched as he nodded his head, a soft smile pulling at his lips.

"I've got her." He said and watched as you got up from the sofa, kissing his cheek softly before walking up the stairs to grab a blanket for her from the closet.

No longer being able to rest her head on your shoulder, she scooted closer to Yoongi and curled up to him instead.

"She'll be back in a minute." He promised as she laid her head on him.

Every time she comes over here to your' and Yoongi's shared home, he finds himself thinking about what it might be like if you had a child together someday.

It's not something he thought about much before you met a year ago. It was more of a thought that if it happened, it happened. But now, he finds himself wanting that with you. And only you.

"Yoongi?" Your niece said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah? Do you need something?"

She shook her head and looked up at him with curious eyes.

"When are you and aunt Y/N getting married?"

The question took him by surprise.

But he also found himself smiling over it.


"Yeah." She excitedly said.

"I don't know." He said and paused to think about it more. "I hope it's soon."

"Me too!" She said and he couldn't help but chuckle.

Marriage was yet another thing that he didn't think about much before you entered his life.

But he'd be lying if he said it's not something that he thinks about often.

He finds the thought entering his brain almost every day.

Starting a life with you would be a dream come true for him.

Marriage, kids, a big house for every dream and every milestone that life brings you and your future family together is something he wants so badly.

"There's no time like the present." He said. "I'm ready for that. Do you think your aunt is?" He asked your niece and she nodded quickly. "Yeah?"

He bit his lip as he started to lose himself in his thoughts again.

"Well, I guess I should do some ring shopping soon."

Your niece cheered excitedly and he couldn't stop smiling as he thought even more about it.

He's ready for that.

He's ready to get down on one knee and pop the question to you and see you walk down the aisle someday soon; very soon.

"Okay, I got a blanket," You said as you made your way back downstairs.

"Let me get her some more to drink. Is she doing good?" You asked and Yoongi nodded his head.

You handed him the blanket and when you walked out of the room, he covered her up and held his pinky out.

"Our little secret." He said and she wrapped her pinky around his.

Putting his head back against the sofa, he started to think about where and how he'd propose to you.

He was going to do it soon. He knew in his heart that it was time for you to take that next step together and start the rest of your lives together.

And he couldn't wait.

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