you're brilliant (requested)

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"Y/N?" Yoongi spoke as he turned around in his chair in front of the desk. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course, baby. What is it?" You asked as you got out of bed and went up behind him.

"Can you check my English notes for my lessons?"

Since you're fluent in English, Yoongi is always coming to you to check his notes.

And you're always so honored when he does so.

"Absolutely, my love." You said as you put your arms around his neck, softly kissing his cheek.

"I think I did even better this time than before." He said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

You carefully grabbed his papers and looked them over and, sadly, you found many mistakes in his spelling and vocabulary.

His hopefulness faded as a look of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

He could see by the look in your eyes that he hadn't done as well as he'd hoped he did.

"I messed up a lot, didn't I?" He mumbled in sadness before hanging his head.

It broke your heart to see.

Because your boy is so talented and so intelligent and he oftentimes underestimates himself and thinks he's not good enough.


"I can't believe this. I thought I was improving. I thought I was doing better. But here I am, making mistake after mistake."

"Yoongi, stop," You softly said as you sat on his lap and cupped his cheeks gently. "You are so smart. You don't even realize it. Everyone makes mistakes, it's normal."

"Yeah, I guess." He sighed. "I'm still disappointed. I tried so hard to get everything perfect and I still messed up."

"Yoongi, it happens. It's not your first language, it's going to take time to learn and it's going to be challenging."

"I know." He said disappointedly.

"Hey," You said as you poked his sides. "Cut yourself some slack. Learning a new language isn't an easy task. You're doing a great job, baby. Even though it's not what you consider to be perfect, you're doing so great. You're brilliant, my baby."

"You think so?" He asked as a gummy smile pulled at his lips.

"I know so, baby. You don't give yourself enough credit for the things you do and the things you are. You're so smart and that shows in everything you do and say. Don't ever think otherwise. I won't let you."

You put your forehead on his and cracked a smile as you caressed his cheek.

"And I love you very much. Don't ever forget that."

"I love you more." He said as he gazed into your eyes and brushed his fingers along your back.

"Impossible." You said and watched him shake his head with a chuckle.

"Thank you for the encouragement. I needed it."

"I know you did and you know I'm always happy to give you all the encouragement you need. You're a genius, baby. Be easier on yourself." You said before peppering kisses across his face, making him giggle.

And at the precious, infectious sound, your heart soared.

He was much happier now and that's all that mattered to you.

And his happiness only continued to grow as you continued to shower him with kisses, as he deserved.

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