interrupted (requested)

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"Yoongi," You sighed softly as he kissed your neck softly. "Baby, we can't."

He didn't listen to your protests as he slipped his hand beneath your shirt and caressed your soft skin with the tips of his fingers.

You weren't pulling away from him and you weren't pushing him away so it wasn't as if you didn't want him the way he wanted you.

He knows you're just worried because he has a show tonight and you don't want to get caught up in something that you can't finish.

So he just focused on getting you to melt and forget about all of your worries instead of just pulling away.

"We're fine, baby." He said as he looked into your eyes with his soft brown ones. "I have time, I promise."

You hesitated a little.

But you couldn't hesitate for long because he's just so loving and so sweet and you can't help but melt into him.

Your lips met his as he pulled you in for a loving kiss and you felt his hands travel across your body, caressing every inch that he could.

He pulled away from the kiss after a moment or two and then put his lips back on your neck.

He instantly kissed those sweet spots on your skin, the ones that make you melt into him.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and tilted your head back with a moan, his name leaving your lips repeatedly as you got lost in bliss.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered against your skin. "And I love it when my name falls from your lips like that."

You smiled a little, only for his name to leave your lips again as he began to leave love bites across your skin.

You wanted to do the same for him.

You know how much he loves when you leave hickeys on his skin.

But now, when he's about to go on stage in front of thousands of fans, would be a terrible time to do so.

So, you fought the urge and just let yourself melt as he left some along your skin instead.

But you did want to make him feel as good as he was making you feel so you gently cupped his cheek and when he moved back up, thinking you wanted his lips on yours again, you kissed his neck.

And he threw his head back with a moan of your name, happily losing himself in your sweet kisses.

"That feels so good." He said as he put his hands on your hips.

"Yoongi? Maybe we should stop." You suggested, making him open his eyes and stare at you in confusion. "We're getting pretty carried away, aren't we? What if we don't have much time left? You have to go on stage soon, right?"

He just smiled before kissing you again.

"Relax." He whispered. "We've got time, baby. I promise."

You couldn't resist him so you sighed and just pulled him closer.

As he began to tug at your shirt, wordlessly telling you that he wanted to take it off, you smirked a little and pulled away from the kiss to allow him to do so.

He tossed it across the room and leaned back in, only for you to shake your head at him.

"No kissing until you take your shirt off. It's only fair."

He bit his lip and prepared to take it off as you started to kiss his jaw.

But then, the dreadful knock on the door came, and you whined as you put your forehead on his chest.

"This can't be happening."

"Yoongi?" Taehyung said as the door to Yoongi's dressing room opened. "Oh, sorry to interrupt."

Yoongi shook his head.

"What is it?"

"I thought I'd come back here and see you for a second but as I was coming back here they said it was time for you to go on."

Yoongi groaned but nodded his head.

"Okay. Thank you."

Taehyung sent you a sad smile as Yoongi put his arms around you to cover your bare chest.

The door closed and Yoongi grabbed your shirt for you.

You put it back on, all while glaring at him.

"I'm sorry. I guess time slipped away quicker than I thought."

"Yeah, yeah." You grumbled.

"Don't be mad." He said as he kissed the corners of your lips. "I'll make it up to you. After the show, I'm all yours and we'll pick up right where we left off."


He nodded with his sweet gummy smile and stole a kiss from your lips.

"Come on, my baby. You're going to watch me, right?"

"Always." You smiled as you both exited his dressing room hand in hand, both of you looking forward to what would come after he finished performing.

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