you have emetophobia (requested)

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You let out a shaky breath and tried your hardest to focus on the comforting touch of Yoongi's hand as he rubbed your back.

He was so worried about you. You've come down with some sort of stomach bug or flu. He hasn't seen you so sick before and that alone was enough to make his heart ache.

You've got a fever and your stomach hurts worse than it has ever before.

And it was hurting so much worse because you feel sick, so nauseous that you knew you were going to throw up at some point.

Yoongi has been up with you since you first started to feel sick, which was an hour or ago.

He got you into the bathroom and had been knelt behind you for the last few minutes, instinctively rubbing your back for comfort.

He knows you need it more than ever, considering how afraid you feel.

He knows about your emetophobia but you've never gotten more than a come around him before and so he's never seen you like this.

You keep fighting the urge. It keeps getting more and more overwhelming every time but you refuse to give in.

He knows it's only making you feel worse. As awful as it is, he knows throwing up will make you feel at least better enough, for now, to let you get a little rest, which he knows you need.

When your mouth started to water again, you groaned and he quickly licked his dry lips and tried to find the words to say to get you to stop fighting it.

"You won't feel better until you let it out." He whispered in your ear and kissed the back of your neck.

As he expected, you shook your head a little.

"I can't."

"You need to, baby." He said.

"You don't understand. I'm scared. I'm really scared. I can't throw up."

"But you don't need to be scared, y/n. I'm here with you." He said as he brushed his fingertips along your shoulder.

"You'll be okay. I know it's awful and I know you're scared, but I'm right here and I promise you, I won't be leaving your side. I need you to let it out. You need to sleep and you won't until you feel better, which will only happen if you let it all go."

You sniffled and felt the sick feeling returning. It was awful and your hands were shaking.

As much as you wanted to hold it back, you knew Yoongi was right.

You know if you don't let it out, you'll be here all night, which you can't handle.

But, most of all, you know you're safe with Yoongi right here with you, which is different from all the times you've been this sick before.

You're in safe hands.

So when you felt it, you didn't fight it, and you leaned over the toilet and started to get sick.

Instinctively, Yoongi started to comfort you.

He kept rubbing your back and whispered in your ear, coaxing you through it.

"I'm here. It's okay." He soothed. "Let it all out. I've got you."

His touch and his voice in your ear got you through the terrible and agonizing few minutes.

When you finished, you flushed the toilet and turned to lean against him.

You had no energy or strength. Your eyes felt so heavy that you couldn't even open them to look at him.

"Do you feel any better?"

"A little. I don't feel nauseous anymore. But I'm so tired and I can't move. I don't have any energy."

"We need to get you to bed." He said and kissed your head. "How about brushing your teeth? Do you think you can do that?"

You shrugged wordlessly, feeling so weak that you didn't know if you could.

"How about if I hold you, baby?"

You nodded slowly and even cracked a little smile.

"Okay. Come on." He whispered and stood up, slowly helping you to your feet.

You walked to the sink and he held you in his arms, although he kept his grip loose so you wouldn't feel any worse.

He kissed your shoulder and rubbed his thumbs along your hips as you brushed your teeth and tongue.

You rinsed out your mouth, relieved to find the gross taste that had lingered on your tongue was gone.

"Alright. C'mon, darling. Let's go to bed."

You leaned against him as he walked with you from the bathroom and into the bedroom. He turned off the light and helped you to the bed, where he gently laid you down and tucked you in.

He felt your forehead with the back of his hand and sighed sadly. You felt feverish and clammy.

You opened your heavy eyes and he sent you a small smile before kissing your forehead.

"Do you want me to take a trip to the store real fast?"

"Yoongi, it's four in the morning."

"And?" He smiled. "If you need some soup or medicine, I'll go get it for you."

"In the morning. For now, just cuddle me."

"Okay." He said and laid down beside you, crawling under the covers with you. "Are you okay? Are you warm enough? Are you too warm?"

"I'm okay." You said sleepily as you laid your head on his chest. "Just hold me, Yoongi. All I need right now is you."

"I'm right here." He whispered and kissed your head.

"Thank you for being here for me when I got sick. It was scary."

"But it's over with."

"I hope so. I don't want to get sick again." You mumbled.

"If you feel sick again, I'll still be right here with you. I promise." He said as he watched you start to fall asleep with your head on his chest. "I love you very much."

"Love you," you said as you started to fall asleep.

"Sweet dreams." He said and rubbed your back until he knew you were sleeping.

Only then did he allow himself to go to sleep too with his head resting on yours and his arms still around you.

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