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The next morning, Alluka spent the day trying not to encounter anymore sorcerers. So she decided to go to the park, doing something a child would do.

Although on the inside she was still 1000 years old, she liked to be perceived as young child.

When the sorcerers sealed her away, they basically froze her appearance in place. She still looked eight years old even if she was kept in a old basement for a century and she only started aging again when she was free.

Alluka might be eleven years old, if you count the years she's been on the run, but she looked like she was around nine years old.

She deemed that young enough to go to a playground.

Alluka's legs skipped across the pavement like a normal child. Today, all she was doing was trying to blend into the crowds.

She wore a white blouse with a beige colored skirt that went down to her knees. To match her outfit she also wore a beige colored sweater. (I didn't really have a inspiration for the clothing, but think of it kinda like toga's uniform from MHA)

When she turned the corner she could see a decently large playground filled with parents and children around the place. Alluka would fit right in. She skipped over to the swings and sat on the far left.

A girl with long brown hair walked up to Alluka, her quivering hand on her chest. "H- hey.. can I have that swing? I- I'm the one usually on that one," the girl said in a shaky voice.

Alluka's eyes drilled into the other girls eyes, causing her to break eye contact from Alluka. The girl was nice about it, so she hopped off the swing. "Sure, you can have it," Alluka said with no particular emotion.

Alluka started walking away when the girl began using on the swing. She put on a childlike persona and easily ran up the  few stairs onto the jungle gym. A few kids pushed past her and ran over to the slides.

Kids seem ruthless these years. 'God, it's brutal out here' She thought.

She looked over the railing and saw a few kids chasing each other, while a duo of boys loomed over a fallen boy. "Ne, ne, Okuto!" One of the boys' lightly kicked the fallen boys ankle. "Whose going to save you now?"

The fallen boy's bottom lip quivered as he looked down on to the ground. "I bet your parents don't even want you around," The boys' laughed as the fallen boy looked down at shame. Alluka stared at the fallen boy and made her way down the stairs of the jungle gym.

Alluka sat on the sidelines watching the scene. "Haha! Look at him! He's gonna go cry to Mommy!" The black haired bully taunted.

The fallen boy had a split part hair that was a dark color with a blue collared shirt with khaki shorts. He looked around 6 years old while the other boy's looked around 8.

Suddenly a tear slid down the fallen boys cheek making the other boys laugh harder. "He's crying now!" The brunette boy cried. Alluka decided to step in. Everyone was minding their business, while kids were bullying each other.


The bullies moved their heads to the sudden voice. Alluka stood with her fists balled. "Why don't you leave him alone?" The boys' laughed. "He's a loser! He's got no one," Alluka started walking to the bullies and slapped one of the boys' face. (We only have badass Alluka here 😌)

A red mark made its way on to his face.

His eyes started to turn glossy as he ran off, crying about the slap he received. While the other boy ran out of the scene before he could receive a slap as well. Alluka looked at the fallen boy and held out a hand for him to grab. Which he did reluctantly.

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