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Alright beautiful/handsome people! This is not a chapter and I just wanna say sorry in advance.

So I will not be active for a while,well I know I'm not that active but I have a good reason to do this.

So reason 1. I have many many modules to finish.

Reason 2. I have a project that is due to Monday but how can we finish it by monday?! We have to cosplay into some historic theater costume!

Reason 3. So my grades are going down the hill,as some of you might know. I'm in a advance class, our grades should not go down to 85 or we are gonna get transferred to regular and that's pretty humiliating.

So my grades are uh fine I guess,it's above 90 but there is one problem. My mother Is my advisor! And she has a pretty high expectations on me. And my grades on math,history/ap,Filipino and possibly mapeh are going down the hill. My mother just told me that I should keep my grades 95 and above.

Reason 4. So my mother said that I'm going to study besides her on Monday because apperantly I was on my phone during class. Well i wouldn't deny it but I was only checking notifications! And yea,sometimes I make chapters while in class since im always occupied by my modules.

Reason 5. I need a break. I'm mentally and emotionally stressed. Like I said,my mother has high expectations on me. She always compares me to other students on other class,saying that i would participate just like them. I'm actually an introvert,whenever I'm participating I would get this anxiety that i might be wrong and I can't be wrong since that would damage my mother's image on school since she is one of the best teachers.

My brother actually got my mother as his advisor,so he always tells me to be careful not to damage my mother's image on school and I should be outgoing like him.

Another reason why im emotionally stress is that my father is actually dead. He died 6 years ago and my mental health is on the edge. He was the only one I could play with since my mother is working very far from home,not outside of my country just in another city. She would wake up at 3 in the morning then come home at 3 on the afternoon then sleep. My oldest sis is at work,my second sis is at work, and my third sis is at school.

My brother is at school with my mother,that leaves me and my father. He was the sweetest father i could ever ask for since he was always there for me. One time I got bullied just outside my house. And unfortunately for them,my father saw it. He had a very long talk with the bully's parents. Hahaha good times.

Anyways,on September 28,2015 was when my whole world shatter. It was the night before the accident. I was getting ready to sleep since I have school tomorrow. I was a deep sleeper,so you will have to shake me just to wake me up.

I woke up that day,I wondered,'why didn't father woke me up?' Then I thought 'maybe there's a thunderstorm and the classes got suspended!'.

I made my bed,then went outside our room,(me and my sister's room). I saw my mother crying on the sofa with her co-workers. I tilted my head in confusion the went to my parent's room. I grabbed my tablet and start playing Minecraft.

Then my oldest sister came to the room with my mother,both of them are crying. They sat near me,my sister took a deep breath then said,"alex.... wla na si daddy...".
(Translation:"alex.... daddy is gone...")

I sat there,the words sinking to my head,ringing and echoing. I was like haha very funny! That was in my head. I sat there for I think 2 minutes before crying.

I cried harder than my siblings. Then I found out that he died for a motor accident. My father was coming home for a baptism celebration/binyag. In Philippines,we celebrate that. The autopsy,they said he had pancit/noodles without sauce and just water. He didn't drink any beer since he was in a competition, a weight competition.

They said that he had an heart attack in the middle of the road. Now I know my father,he always unlocks the lock on his helmet. And that's what happened.

When I saw his face on the coffin,he looks so peaceful yet sad. I ran out of the room then went to the bathroom to cry. My girl cousin had followed me and when she saw me crying,she just hugged me. I hugged her back like if I let go,she would go away too. I was scared that time.

Now,I don't know if other countries or people do this but my family made a photo mashup of my father and they made it onto video. They put a song in there and whenever I hear that song,I cry. That's why my family never played that song in my house because even now I still cry.

Now some of you might think I wrote the last reason for attention. Your wrong,I wrote it because I saw a video of a kid disrespecting his father. So I wrote the last reason to give you a push and love your family,because you might not know,they might go away too.

That's all people! Peace out!

(P. S. If you see any spelling mistake,I apologize. I actually wrote this while crying.)

And remember! You are loved and appreciated! You might not notice it but people love you! And I love you!

(Edit: also its almost school break for me so hang in there people! I will post more I promise!)

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