Chapter 38 - Uppermoon 2

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Our attacks soon got delayed as I felt the floor beneath me suddenly dissapearing. I deployed my wings but sensed someone behind me as I saw a black clothing. They purposely went for my wings as that they would imobilize me in mid-air.

I couldn't dodge the senbon being thrown in my wings as I felt the pain spread in my back. I quickly wrapped my wings around my body to serve as an armor for my now vulnerable body.

As my body fell to something like an endless pit, I soon saw that the rooms around me weren't changing anymore meaning that I was gonna land for real this time. I brace my body for the impact.

"Ackk!!" I groaned in pain as I stood up, hiding my wings and taking in my surroundings. It seems like a bedroom but with only a couch and a few tables. There's a particular note on the coffee table beside the couch and I approached with caution.

As I read the contents of the letter, my eyes grow wide with fear. I looked around the room, this room was particulary familiar... But the memory is missing from my head, it's like a hole is in my memory...

I quickly exited the room as i started to get uncomfortable. Instead I tried to find Tanjiro and Giyuu, they are strong. I know that but I can't help but get worried for them and for the other Hashiras too.

I heard a loud bang in the southern part of this place, but couldn't sense who that was. This place is messing with my senses, but nevertheless I ran to that direction.

I jogged to the sound of the battle but as soon as I turn to the corner, I came eye to eye with a lot of lower demons. My eyes went half lidded as I saw the door behind them a bit off, the demon's behaviour was a bit off too. I stepped back quite alot yet they didn't follow me. It was like they were ordered to guard that door behind them.

Then another bang came from that door, as i qickly understood that a fight was going on behind that door. I took out my katana from the sheath and entered into a defense and offense stance. I dashed twards the demons and that's when they started being aggresive and showing hosility towards me.

I slashed one, two and three demon heads. A sharp tentacle came dasing towards me but I dodge it by slanting my head a little and that's when I understood why this demons were asked to guard that door. They were smart, they quickly analyzed the situation and didn't get angry even though I had already killed three of them.

The tentacle grew spikes from the side and i barely dodge it all. The spikes grazed my cheek and the others tore a little bit off my uniform. The demons used that moment to stack up and jump on me. I put some strength into my legs and jumped backwards to avoid them. That gave me a second to analyze my enemies and I've noticed that all of them were girls.

"Sorry girls but I've got business behind that door. May you reborn as humans again in the past life...." I whispered the last part as ready my attack.

"Breath of Hell flame: Sixth form-slashing black flame." And with a one swift motion all of their heads came rolling to the floor as they started to disintegrate.

"Be careful... The man behind that door... is ruth..less..." One of the demons uttered as their last word to warn me before they turned to ashes but not before they all bid me a warming smile as to thank me for freeing them.

It came to a shock as they used their last words to bid me a warning for my future enemy . I took a moment to bow down to their bodies as I turn around.

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