Infiltration in the village - Chapter 27

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Then they continue to talk about him . Yorichii Tsugikuni.

My former master.

Present time:

Y/n's pov:

Hmm. He's good,for being able to match yorichii's speed and strength even tho thats just a copy of the original.

Oh! The armor broke. Oh the kid ran away. Oh well tanjiro will ran after him.

But back to the topic,it's impresive that mui manage to do that. Maybe the doll is just old- no wait. I get it.

Mui is also a descendant. That actually make sense now.

*clap clap clap* "That was impressive!" I said smiling at him. He smiled a little and nod.

We walked back and saw tanjiro and the kid on the way.

Muichirou said that he will be taking one of the swords of the doll since his broke.

No one's pov:

Muichirou almost threw the old sword at tanjiro but didn't since y/n was there.

'If that bird don't stop being a bitch at tanjiro I swear-'

Y/n's thought was interuppted by tanjiro by looking for that kotetsu kid.

They followed him and soon it started to rain and kotetsu was found looking at the broken doll.

They manage to fix it a little and now tanjiro is the one fighting the doll.

And a little later,tanjiro was getting beat to pulp by the doll.

'Pfft! As much as I don't want tanjiro to get hurt. But this is training and it's quite a scene.' Y/n thought as they continue to observe tanjiro train from a tree branch.

Welp even when kotetsu adjusted the doll,tanjiro can't still beat it. But he is getting closer.

And soo alot of days passed and tanjiro is still training.

(Time skip)

And all tanjiro got his food for the first time in seven days.

Y/n actually wanted to strangle kotetsu for starving tanjiro but they could relate because this is like their training when they were just a child.

Tanjiro's prediction ability has improved and for the last time. The doll got defeated and the neck broke revealing a sword inside its body.

'Hmm. Wait isn't that sword! Yes it is that one!'

Then the two kids got depressed because the sword was rusted. Oof. Anyways a macho man came out of the forest. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's haganezuka.

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