Chapter 30

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"Correct..." They answered with a scary smile.

Present time:

"Hyo! Interesting... What are you?" Gyokko asked.

"Why don't you find out...." Y/n said as they dashed towards gyokko and the tentacles rushed towards y/n.

Y/n quickly diced the tentacles,as muichirou head for gyokko."This would make perfect takoyakis..." They mumbled.

"You minced it very quickly. But you still can't catch up to the speed of my pots." Gyokko said as he appeared on the tree branch.

"I wonder about that." Muichirou said looking at him,and so was y/n.

"What?" Gyokko asked confused.

"Looks like your senses have dulled. That's because you have lived for hundreds of years." Muichirou said as gyokko's neck got cut a little.

"Next time it's coming off." Muichirou said.

"We're not playing with you dumb pot games." Y/n said taking a stance .

"Don't underestimate me brats." Gyokko said angrily.

"Hey it's not like we're looking down on you. We're just staying the truth." Y/n said.

"Yeah,you're just gonna die when we cut you head off. Also,I'm feeling amazing right now for some reasons. Why is that?" Muichirou asked.

"Your phrases are insulting,you damn brats. And you two only lived for about ten years or so." Gyokko said mad.

"Even so. There's not a single thing about you that's phrase-worthy. Your looks and words are downright disgusting." Y/n said mockingly.

"I am the apex of beauty... You just can't understand elegance because you're an uneducated pumpkins!" Gyokko defended .

"You're like a fly or a cockroach that can't read when I show you a book." He added.

"It sounds like you live in a chamber pot." Muichirou said as he and y/n looked behind them as gyokko appeared on the pot that magically appeared behind them.

"Shut it roach. A stubby midget like you can't even reach my neck." He said.

"Well,I did just a while ago and you're the stubbier one. Oh wait. We're you muttering that to yourself? Then sorry about that." Muichirou provoked.

"Hyo hyo! What a cheap provocation. Do you think gyokko-sama would lose his composure over that?" Gyokko laughed.

Then y/n and muichirou got an idea and put their pointing finger to their chins and looked like thinking.

"Hmmm." Y/n and muichirou made this sound.

"Hyo hyo. What's the matter??" Gyokko asked.

"I've been wondering about this. Is that pot of yours deformed or something?" Muichirou asked.

"Yeah,the left and right side are uneven. It looks shitty to be honest." Y/n continued.

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