Chapter 11

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Waking up next to Finn is equal parts amazing and awful. Amazing because, well it's Finn. And at some point during the night he took his shirt off so it's basically Christmas and my birthday at the same time.

Awful because he's clinging to me like velcro and the boy is about a thousand degrees. Literally. I've never woken up with swamp ass before but, apparently, there's a first for everything.

I twist myself out of his grasp and throw the blankets off so I can bask in the glory that is cool air when Finn begins to squirm.

"Good morning sweetheart." His voice is husky from sleep and so delicious I would slather it on toast if I could.

"Good morning handsome." I smile at him as his eyes peek open.

"Come here." He says as he reaches for me, trying to pull me back into his furnace like clutches.

"Finn you are so hot." I say as I push away from him gently. He chuckles and flashes me a cocky grin.

"Right back at ya babe." I roll my eyes and stand from the bed to turn on my ceiling fan.

"No, I mean literally. Do you have a fever?" I ask feeling his forehead. He brushes my hand away and chuckles again.

"No, I don't have a fever. I just run hot." He shrugs. "Plus I usually sleep naked." He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I feel my face heat up in a blush.

"That could be arranged." I say suggestively, leaning over him giving him an excellent shot of my cleavage.

God bless him, he takes advantage of the view.

He seems distracted so I try to change the subject.

"Do you have to work today?" I ask him.

He's still staring at my tits and didn't hear a word I just said.

"You wanna do anal?" I ask. His eyes pop up to mine and go wide.

"What?" He asks.

"Great. Now that I have your attention, do you have to work today?" He shakes his head a little as if clearing it and looks back at me.

"No. Why?"

"I thought we could hang out today. Do something fun." I smile at him and he runs his knuckles down my cheek like he does nearly every time I smile. I feel like he tries to memorize each one.

"I would love that." He says quietly as he scooches closer to me.

"Great then I'm going to shower since I smell like a gym thanks to you and we can figure something out." He nods and stands.

He stretches and his muscles are on total display for me, rippling and so glorious I want to lick them. He clears his throat and I look at him.

"Did you come yet?" I clear my throat and stand, taking a few steps back.


"That eye fucking you were giving me. Did you come yet or should I continue?" He asks, obviously enjoying my discomfort. I shrug before responding.

"I've seen better." I say nonchalantly.

His eyes darken as stalks towards me, caging me in against the wall. He leans down next to my ear and blows gently on it, making goosebumps emerge over my flesh.

"No, you haven't." He whispers in my ear. I shiver and look up at him, he's watching me closely and I can't help but reach out and trace his pectorals with my finger tips. I feel them stiffen under my touch and Finn closes his eyes.

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