Chapter 21

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The rest of the afternoon Finn spent giving me a tour of the pack. I was impressed by not just how beautiful it was, but functional. There was a small grocery store, hair salon, hospital and two schools. Finn took me to the one for the younger children and let me wander. Since it’s summer, there were no students, but by the look of the classrooms you wouldn’t be able to tell it was a school for werewolf children. It looked exactly like my and Penny’s classrooms. Math tables on the wall, different verb conjugates, a model of the solar system. If I agreed, I would basically be the principal of this school. Finn showed me what would be my office and I could already picture myself there, resolving conflicts between students, praising them for good work, molding and shaping them into the adults they would become. My heart filled with hope and pride at the thought and I nearly agreed right there.

“So what’s on the agenda for the rest of the day?” I asked Finn as we walked the dirt path around the pack hand in hand.

“Well, tonight is dinner with my family.” He looked at me sheepishly, like he thought I might be mad.

“Like, your…”

“Parents. Yeah.” He says. “Penny will be there too. With Cam.” He adds and that makes my stomach unclench just a little.

“Meeting the parents. I can do this.” I mutter to myself and Finn chuckles, folding his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into him so he can kiss my temple.

“They will love you.” He says honestly.

I hope he’s right.

We walk for a few more minutes up to a two-story white home with red shutters and a large front lawn. I can just picture a little Finn and Cam in the front yard, playing catch and wrestling. Finn pulls me up the stairs and walks right in the front door.

“Ma! We’re here!” He calls out while slipping off his shoes. The house is warm and bright, lots of original wood details and cozy colors. Dinner smells amazing and a touch of longing for my own mom hits me.

“In the kitchen, Finn!” I hear a feminine voice call out.

Finn smiles at me and grabs my hand again. He leads me into an eat in kitchen where a beautiful woman with blue eyes and hair the same color as Finn’s is standing at the stove. She looks up at us and smiles.

“There you are! We’ve been waiting for you!” She says as she comes to hug Finn. I look around the room and see Cam and Penny sitting at the table. She waves at me with a smile and I wave back. Sitting a few seats down from Cam is a large man with eyes the color of Finn’s and hair a shade darker.

“Calli, this is my mom, Julie and my dad Blake.” He says pointing out his parents. “You already know Cam.” He adds and Cam flashes me a mischievous smile and waves. I wave back and turn back to Finn’s mom.

“Calli, it’s so nice to meet you.” She says and comes forward to give me a hug, which I heartily return.

“So,” She starts. “How do you feel about pups?” Cam groans while Finn sputters.

“Ma! What is wrong with you?! We haven’t discussed this yet!” Julie shrugs and looks back to me.

“I’m just curious.” She looks at me with an expectant smile.

I’m getting the impression that there’s only one correct answer to this question and my mom always told me ‘go big or go home’. Well, she also always told me to pee after sex to avoid a UTI, but that’s not the point right now.

“I’m gonna need a beer for this.” Finn says popping the top of one and taking a long sip as he sits down across from Cam.

“I’m thinking at least six.” I say in a matter of fact tone.

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