Chapter 16

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I was anxiously awaiting Saturday night. I couldn’t wait to see Calli dressed up all sexy and do a little bump and grind with her. I am actually an excellent dancer, even if Alpha Ian doesn’t want to admit it. It was so weird introducing him and not using his title. He punched me in the shoulder afterward, something about his wolf needing to display dominance even though he knew why I couldn’t call him Alpha in front of Calli.

His wolf is a dick.

I was a little bit nervous about this outing. Ian and Layla aren’t used to hiding the fact that we’re werewolves, so I was worried they would slip up. But I figure I’m going to need to tell Calli soon and I want her to be comfortable with the Alpha and Luna before that happens. I’m hoping she’ll be less afraid that way.

I know I need to tell her soon, though. Every time we get together, I can feel we’re getting closer to completing the mate bond and if we do, I can’t guarantee my wolf won’t mark her. And I feel like it would be better if she knew what that was before it actually happens.

We’re on our way to Calli’s house. Ian’s driving because he says he doesn’t trust me with our safety. Which isn’t really fair because I only hit that tree that one time because I swerved to avoid a dog.

I’m a fucking hero.

He pulls up in front of Calli’s and I hop out of the car before it’s even stopped completely. I’m so excited I can’t contain myself.

“God damn it, Finn! If I have to take you to the pack doctor tonight because you’re stupid and miss out on the club I’m going to kill you!” Ian screams through Layla’s rolled down window.

I ignore him and climb Calli’s cute little porch and knock on the door. She opens it and my eyes sweep down her body from her bright eyes, wide smile to the tight black, strapless dress and silver strappy heels that make her legs look a mile long.

“You look handsome.” She purrs. I can’t help myself. I lift her by the waist and attack her with kisses. She wraps her legs around me instinctively and I start to carry her into her house towards her bedroom.

“Finn! What are you doing! Put me down!”

“No!” I pout as she pulls back to look at me. She giggles and tries to wiggle out of my arms.

“Your friends are waiting outside for us.”

“It’s fine, this won’t take long.” I say as I try to slide my hand up her dress. She pushes away from me hard and I set her down.

“Let’s go.” She says with a firm look and grabs my hand to tow me along.

Once we’re outside, I scoop her up and carry her to the SUV and she rolls her eyes at me, but the smile on her face kind of takes the attitude out of it. She slips in and I sit next to her, buckling her seat belt before I grab her hand.

“Hey! I’m Layla.” Layla says warmly. Her Luna powers always keep people at ease around her.

Calli introduces herself and the girls make idle chit chat on the way to the club. They are both laughing hysterically at some cat video they saw online by the time we get there, so I think they are getting along quite well. Ian gives me a smug look in the rear-view mirror that makes me wonder if he’s thinking the same thing.

We get to the club and I wrap my arm around Calli’s waist as we walk in. I spent most of the ride rubbing my scent all over her, making sure any other wolves in the area know she’s mine. Once we’re marked and mated, I won’t have to rub her like a cat trying to get a treat, but I’ll make do for now.

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