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After Jisung explained everything to Minho, I was finally able to piece together the puzzle. Minho and Jisung were best friends and practically walked into each other's homes whenever they pleased. Good to know for the future.

"Wait now I want to know Ara better!" Minho exclaimed.

"Guys, Hana and I are still here," Felix said, bored out of his mind.

"Hold on," Minho started, practically ignoring Felix. "Can they get to know the whole squad?"

"The whole squad..?" I asked uneasily. "There are more people?"

"Hey I do have a decent amount of friends," Jisung protested. "And yes, that would be a great idea! Only if you three are up for it."

"Sure, why not!" Hana said excitedly. "It's not like we have anything better to do."

"Awesome! Texting the group now!" Minho declared as he pulled out his phone.

In no time, people started showing up to the apartment building. They were all extremely good looking but also loud and crazy as hell. Although this was supposed to be a chill meet up, I could tell it would turn into a party really quickly.

"Hi I'm Seungmin!" A man said as he walked in. "You must be Ara! Nice to meet you!"

"Same goes for you!" I responded. It's been a while since I've been surrounded by so many new faces and I was feeling a little overwhelmed.

"And this is my baby, Jeongin," Seungmin continued, squishing Jeongin's cheeks like there was no tomorrow.

"Shut up," Jeongin muttered as he tried escaping from Seungmin's grasp. "I'm not his baby, just a friend."

"Good to know," I laughed along with them. The rest of Jisung's friends started coming in too, all of them greeting me before going along and greeting everyone else. They were all extremely welcoming and nice, which took a lot of stress off of my shoulders.

"I'm Chan and this is Hyunjin," he said happily.

"Wait a minute," Felix approached us. "You're Australian?"

"No way, so are you mate!" Chan exclaimed before pulling Felix into a bro hug. "I don't even know who you are but I like you already!"

"Jeez get a room or something," Hyunjin muttered before going off and joining the rest of the boys.

"Hey, I'm Changbin!" a man said from behind me, waving me a greeting. "I suppose you're the new roommate? Ara, right?"

"That would be me," I nodded. "Nice to meet you!"

After getting acquainted with everyone, the group split off into different places in the apartment. I joined Hana, Minho, and Jeongin in the living room.

"You know, I never thought Jisung would let a stranger become his roommate, let alone a girl," Jeongin commented.

"But he did and here I am," I shrugged. It was nice to finally meet some new people in the city after being cooped up in my parent's house for my entire life. After talking for a while, Minho ran to the center of the room and yelled on the top of his lungs "EVERYONE GATHER UP! TIME FOR TRUTH OR DARE BITCHES!!"

After sitting around in a circle, the group began the game of truth or dare. Although I haven't met most of these people, it was really easy to talk to all of them and playing this game with them didn't seem as scary as before.

"Okay Changbin, truth or dare?" Minho asked, a mischievous smile on his face.


"What's a kink that you have?"

"Minho what the fuck, there are children in this room!" Hyunjin screeched, covering Jeongin's ears.

"Language Hyunjin!" Chan exclaimed.

"Let me go!" Jeongin shouted, wriggling away from Hyunjin's grasp. "I am not a child, shut up!"

"C'mon Changbin, answer the question!" Minho persisted.

"I um..." Changbin trailed off, his face the color of tomatoes.

"No he will not be answering that, Jeongin is way too innocent," Hyunjin stated.

"Oh stop being a dick Hyunjin, it's a simple question," Minho shot back.

"Language!" Chan shouted again.

Hana, Felix and I all shot concerning glances at each other. We haven't even started playing and the entire room was filled with a commotion like no other.

"Yeah I kinda forgot to mention how crazy they can be," Jisung whispered to me. "I'm normal though, don't worry."

"Jisung shut the fuck up, you are not normal. Stop trying to impress her or whatever shit by telling her lies," Minho mercilessly said.

Both Jisung and I turned red, embarrassed from Minho's comment. Jisung was trying to impress me? I didn't think he was and I was unsure how I felt about that. I mean there's no denying his charms...

"Okay you know what?" Chan sighed. "Let's just move on and try to get through this game like normal people. Felix, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Felix replied.

"Any current crushes?" Chan asked.

"Nope, I'm flying solo," Felix proudly responded. "Hana, truth or dare?"


"Jeez why does everyone pick truths?" Minho grumbled. "Y'all are no fun."

"Oh shut up, I literally don't even know half of you guys," Hana snapped back.

"Okay Hana, do you find anyone in this room attractive?"

Hana took a moment to think about it before answering "Yes."

"Oh my god, who?!" Felix squealed.

"Only one question," Hana said. "Minho, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he confidently responded.

"Do a sexy dance in front of everyone."

Everyone in the room groaned at once, some people falling backwards, ready to endure what was about to come.

"Easy," Minho scoffed. "Music please!"

Hana played a slow, sensual song as Minho got up and stood in the center of the circle. He then body rolled to the beat of the music, causing everyone to shout.

"My eyes need to be washed out with soap!" Seungmin screeched. Jeongin was turned away from the circle, staring intently at the clock on the wall. Chan and Changbin were leaning against each other for support as they cringed.

Everyone was all over the place as Minho continued to dance to the song, taking off his jacket as well as dancing on the floor. Finally, the song faded out and Minho bowed. All of the boys returned back to their original positions, glad that the song was finally over.

"I feel sorry for myself that I had to see that," Hyunjin said, shaking his head.

"Me too."

"Me three."

"Me four."

"Me five."

"Okay we get it!" Minho exclaimed rolling his eyes. "Next up!"

We continued playing truth or dare, each person revealing a small secret or doing something embarrassing. After a while, we all got tired of playing and decided to order pizza for dinner.

I've been around so many people for so long that I decided to step out onto the balcony for a while, to get away from all the chaos. It was dark now but the cool breeze felt nice against my skin. After standing there for a while, I heard the door open and a person step out onto the balcony. I turned around to see Jisung nervously standing there, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

Roommates || han jisung ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ