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The next morning I slept in because we stayed up really late at Hyunjin's house last night.  So, by the time I looked at the clock, it was already 1 pm.

"Good morning guys," I yawned as I walked into the kitchen, where Hana and Felix seemed to be arguing about something.

"Ara!" Hana yelled excitedly, pulling me over to Felix.  "Felix here is being stupid right now.  He thinks that it's going to take at least another month for Jae and Seungmin to get together.  Tell him he's wrong."

"Are you serious Felix?" I asked him, surprised.  "Jae definitely likes Seungmin back, it was so obvious yesterday! My money's on two weeks."

"Yeah but knowing Seungmin, he'd want to take things slow," Felix pointed out.  "Besides, they didn't seem THAT close last night."

"Felix, sweetie," Hana started. "You're really shit at picking up signs, I hope you know.  Jae was sneaking side glances at Seungmin during the entire movie!"

"Does that mean she likes him though?"

"YES!" Hana and I answered at the same time.

"Besides, we'll know for sure later today," Hana continued.  "Jae, Ara and I are going out so we're definitely spilling some tea."

"Yeah fine, whatever, you win," Felix grumbled, walking away in defeat.

I was really excited for today since Hana, Jae and I had a whole girl's day planned.  After last night, the three of us immediately clicked and we made plans right away.  Hana and I grew tired of constantly being around the guys and were in desperate need of some girl time.

"Speaking of our meet up, we should start getting ready!" Hana said, showing the same excitement as me.  "Jae said she'll pick us up in an hour."

"You're right, guess I better pick out an outfit," I nodded, going back into my shared room with Hana.

Just as I was staring at my collection of clothes, my phone rang.  I reached to pick it up only to see it was Jisung video calling me.

"Why is he video calling me?" I groaned as I answered the call. I tilted the phone to the ceiling so Jisung couldn't see my bed hair.

"Hi angel!" he chirped happily before pouting.  "Why aren't you showing me your face?"

"Because I just woke up and my hair is a mess,"  I stated as I began rummaging through the closet to find a good outfit.

"But I want to see your beautiful face, I don't care if you just woke up," Jisung persisted, giving me puppy eyes.

"Ugh fine," I mumbled, quickly fixing my hair before picking up my phone so that Jisung could see my face.

"Aww see, what did I say? You look adorable!" Jisung gushed.

"Shut up."

"Well I was wondering if you wanna hang out today," Jisung asked happily.  "It's a Saturday so we should do something fun!"

"Aw I'm sorry but I can't Ji," I frowned.  "Hana Jae and I are going out."

"For the whole day?" Jisung asked defeated.

"Yes, we planned a girl's day," I explained.

"So can I join?" Jisung asked excitedly.

"What part of girl's day do you not understand?"

"You're no fun," he grumbled, pouting once again.

"Yet you still love me," I teased.  "We'll make plans later, okay?  Besides, I'm going to be moving in tomorrow night so I'm all yours after that."

"Doesn't mean I don't want to see my girlfriend until then."

"Well too bad, suck it up," I laughed, watching Jisung's face.

"I hate you."

"I love you."

That caused Jisung to blush a little as he looked away shyly.

"Listen, I need to go get ready now," I continued.  "So I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Fine, go have fun," Jisung said, pretending to still be upset.

"I will, I love you," I smiled, waving at him.

"I love you too angel, bye!" Jisung waved back before ending the call.

I happily sighed as I returned to finding an outfit to wear. I eventually settled on a flowery dress and matched it with gold jewelry. I quickly did a half up half down situation with my hair and after applying a bit of makeup, I was ready to go.

"Hana, you ready?" I asked, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yeah, coming!" She yelled back. A few minutes later, Hana emerged, wearing a pair of ripped jeans and white crop top.

"Wow you look so hot," I winked as we made our way to the door. "Minho would've loved this."

"Shut it hoe," she snapped  even though I could see her cheeks growing pink.

The three of us decided to meet at a salon to get our nails done, allowing us to talk while also getting pampered.

"Jae!" Hana exclaimed as soon as she saw her. We both ran up to her and hugged her.

"Hi guys!" Jae greeted. "I'm so excited to do this, let's go!"

We walked into the salon, excited to get our nails done. The lady at the counter led us to three stations right next to each other. After getting situated, Hana took no time to start asking Jae questions.

"So Jae, how did you and Seungmin meet?"

"Ah we go to the same college and share a few classes together so we eventually became study buddies," Jae explained with a small smile.

"Aw, that's cute!" Hana gushed. "Do you... like him?"

"That's the thing," Jae sighed. "I think I do like Seungmin but I've only dated girls in the past and thought I was only attracted to women. So I've been going through a lot of questioning right now."

"Oh, does Seungmin know?" I asked Jae.

"Well he knows that I've had girlfriends but doesn't know about my sexual identity crisis," Jae chuckled. "For all I know, I could be bi. I've never really put a label on it but it was just very confusing to me considering I've only liked girls before."

"Well love is love so don't think that you're any less valid because you're questioning," Hana started. "And if you're feeling these feelings of attraction towards Seungmin, then you would know deep inside that this is a romantic thing. It's perfectly okay to not label that."

"This is why I needed a girls day," Jae beamed. "Thank you so much Hana, I really appreciate it."

"Of course," Hana smiled back.

"Let's talk about you now," Jae smirked. "Don't think I didn't notice you and Minho."

"Yes Hana, spill!" I urged, curious to know more myself.

"Next question?" Hana asked uneasily.

— a/n —

Sorry this is such a weird place to cut it off but I really wanted to split their little girls day into two parts haha

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