Chapter Two - The Scandal in Belgravia Part II

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Dad wakes me up at five o'clock.

"It's too early!" I protest, before reluctantly sitting up and taking in his appearance. "You're clearly not coming, why do I?"

"We discussed this yesterday," dad says. "We all agreed that I don't leave the flat for anything less than a seven."

"Was this before I went to school," I question, "or during?" Dad hesitates for a moment.

"You might have been at school."

"And John? He only came back from Dublin yesterday afternoon."

"It's hardly my fault you weren't listening," he says, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of bed so that I land on the floor with a thump.

"I still don't see any point in me going," I say to dad a little while later. "We already know most of what happened."

"Yes, but there's still some points we're missing," he argues.

"Surely John can get them!" He looks at me, an eyebrow raised. "Fine," I sigh, grabbing my coat and slipping a few of the essentials back into my pockets and picking up my laptop. "I'll call you on this, make sure you answer!"

"You ready?" John asks, re-entering the room, his coat on.

"Yep," I smile and follow him out.

An hour later, we arrive at the crime scene and, to my dismay, the police have already arrived. As the taxi pulls over, a young officer comes over.

"I'm afraid this area is out of bounds at the moment pending a murder enquirery," he tells us, looking as though he's trying to disguise some excitement. Obviously his first murder case.

"Can we speak to the inspector, please," John says.

"Of course sir," he replies before bounding away. I watch from inside the cab as he goes over to the inspector and announces us. The inspector nods and turns around, beginning to walk over to us. John takes this as a sign to get out and opens the door.

"Sherlock Holmes," the inspector says.

"Sophia Holmes," I correct him, shaking his hand. "His daughter." I open the lid of my computer before looking back at him. "Are you set up for Wi-Fi?"

"Er yes," he responds, gesturing to the young officer to find the code. "Mr Holmes couldn't make it then?"

"Oh no, far too busy," I lie swiftly.

"Suppose he must be," he says thoughtfully. "Sorry, the names Carter. Detective Inspector Carter. I've seen you in the paper, haven't I? You're 'the woman', aren't you?"

"Yes," I reply, nodding. "Aren't tabloid nicknames wonderful."

"Oh yes," he laughs and I return a fake smile.

"Do you have a cause of death yet?" I ask.

"Blow to the back of the head from a blunt instrument," Carter replies as the officer returns, handing me a slip of paper.

"Thanks," I say, typing the short code in. "Just give me a second." I press the call button and wait a moment for him to answer before handing it over to John. "Do you mind if I have a look around?"

"Knock yourself out," he says. "My boys have already bagged up a load of stuff, so I doubt there's anything left."

"And I sincerely doubt you've found everything," I say as dad appears on the computer screen. "You break my laptop, Watson and it'll be your body they're bringing out of this field."

I start walking down towards the lake, where the evidence cards have been set out. According to Becket, the victim had been looking over at the river - or just above it - so I stand facing it. Then I imagine the car backfiring and turn around. The blow came then, in those few seconds. What could have done it?

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