Chapter Sixteen - Leviathans Part X

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It takes us five minutes to get from the upper part of station to the sub level.

"The next tube will come past here in ten minutes," dad says. "How far away is the portal?"

"Judging by the evidence," Sam says, "most track walkers see their ghosts over there." He shines his torch at a section of the tunnel which widens slightly for an ease of maintenace and we jump onto the track. Donna freezes, and remains on the platform.

"Wait," she says. "They're live, aren't they?"

"Just try to avoid the tracks," the Doctor tells her, holding her hand to help her jump down.

"What are we looking for?" I ask Dean, shining my torch down the track.

"Something that shouldn't be there," Dean shrugs. "Could be anything."

"Helpful," dad responds.

As we reach the widened section of the tunnel, we stop and shine our torches around at the wet walls. Then the tracks start shaking.

"What the hell was that?" John shouts, and we look up and down the tunnel for any sign of the tube lights.

"It can't be the tube," I cry back. "It isn't due yet!"

"Lets hope it's come early," Dean says. "'Cause I got a theory it ain't the train."

He's right. Even through the darkness we can see a black smoke approaching.

"That's not good," the Doctor says, fishing through his pocket for his sonic screwdriver again. "That's really not very good."

Now the rumbling comes from behind us.

"Oh bloody hell," Donna cries. "It's the portal!"

"Then I guess nows the best time to see if these things work," John says, pulling out his bottle of borax and spraying the approaching smoke. It gives off an audible hiss, and the Leviathans move backwards momentarily before pressing forward again. It's not enough to kill them, but if we can just hold them off until the portal opens...

All of us have our sprays out now as the Leviathans advance again and fire. As the light behind us floods the tracks, we fire, enraging them.

"Duck!" the Doctor calls, and we drop down, sending the black cloud over our heads and through the portal. Once they've gone through, it closes.

"Well," Sam says, running a hand through his hair, "that went better than expected."

"Yes, but they haven't gone for good," I point out. "There's nothing stopping them from coming back through."

"Ah," the Doctor says, "I can help with that." He lifts up his sonic screwdriver and its the buzz of the device which now fills the tunnel. "There, sealed it shut. They won't be coming through there anywhere within the next millennium."

"Thanks doc," Dean says. "Any time you feel like coming over to the US and sorting that one out ..."

"Oh, come on," the Doctor smiles, seemingly cheered up by a somewhat happy ending. "Sam and Dean - saving the world from your Chevy Impala. You've got that one sorted." Dean nods his thanks, then turns to us.

"Well, I suppose we can't put it back off for much longer."

"The 'dreaded' plane flight," dad says and rolls his eyes as he sees Dean's expression. "Your fear of flying is evident from the fact that you drive everywhere. It'd be a lot easier to fly."

"We can help with that, can't we Doctor?" Donna questions.

"Ah, yes. I have a rather nifty blue box which can take you boys home in an instant."

"What about my baby?" Dean asks. "I'm not leaving my baby behind."

"Oh, there's plenty of room in there for that heap of junk," I say, smiling and Dean scowls.

"Well, off we go then," John smiles and we begin the walk back to the station, and hopefully, back to normality.

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