Chapter Twenty Eight - The Scandal in Belgravia Part IX

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I go through the remaining few days of December numb. I haven't eaten, despite John's attempts and I haven't slept in days.

I suppose I should be grateful dad hasn't relapsed. He's not in a great state but at least he's not drugged up. If it weren't for the fact I'd have to go outside, I would find a way of sourcing something to forget what happened on Christmas.

On New Years Eve, dad begins to compose a lament in her honour. John walks into the living room as he plays and sighs as he sees me in the same curled up position on the sofa that I've been for the last few days. I see Mrs Hudson look pointedly at John as she carries away another set of untouched meals but John looks like he's given up trying to get us to eat as he puts his jacket on. Dad stops playing and makes a notation on his music.

"Lovely tune, Sherlock," Mrs Hudson compliments. "Haven't heard that one before."

"You composing?" John asks.

"Helps me to think," dad replies before beginning to play again.

"What are you thinking about?"

Dad stops playing suddenly and spins around to point to John's laptop. "The counter on your blog is still stuck at one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five."

"Yeah, it's faulty," John says. "Can't seem to fix it."

"Faulty," dad repeats as he takes out mum's phone, "or you've been hacked and it's a message." He types the number in but the phone beeps it's refusual. The momentary glimmer of enthusiasm in his eyes dies again. "Just faulty." He turns away again and continues playing.

"Right," John says, "Well, I'm going out for a bit." Neither of us respond so he turns and walks into the kitchen to speak to Mrs Hudson before leaving.

"Can I get you anything, Sophie?" Mrs Hudson asks as she comes back in. "Hot chocolate? Something to eat?"

"Some silence," I mutter and Mrs Hudson shakes her head pitifully before walking back into the kitchen. Dad stops playing again, his attention focused on something outside. Then, he puts his violin down, disappears into the bedroom for his coat, before following John out. Once again, the flat is plunged into silence.

The only thing that has kept my mind active these last few days is the mystery of the book I was given for Christmas. The Doctor once advised me to never read ahead on our life story but to read as it happens. The only thing I have to go on is the title - 'The Final Problem'. It seems to heavily imply my father's death, but without being able to read it, I won't know how to stop it.

I'm jolted back into reality as the door slams shut downstairs and I hear Mrs Hudson scream. I sit up slightly as I hear unfamiliar footsteps on the stairs followed by a heavy thudding - she's being dragged upstairs and shouts out for help as she is.

I spring into action immediately and launch myself towards the table and pick up the gun which lies there before positioning myself at the doorway. The Americans who invaded my mum's house a couple months ago turn the corner.

"Let her go," I say, disengaging the safety as they look up.

"Put the gun down, Miss Holmes," their leader, Neilson, instructs. "Put it down and nobody needs to get hurt." I lower it slowly as they reach the top of the stairs and they pull Mrs Hudson to her feet.

"Oh Sophie," she whimpers, "I'm so sorry."

"It'll be alright," I reassure her. "Sherlock will be back soon. I'll warn you, he's quite unpredictable at the moment. Who can tell what he'll do if he finds you've hurt either of us."

"Shut up and get in there," he says, gesturing into the living room. I look to Mrs Hudson and form an imaginary mobile phone so she can see before passing it off as moving some hair from my face. She nods subtley as she's escorted into the room.

"Do you mind," Mrs Hudson sobs as they sit us down on two chairs they've placed in front the fireplace, "if I go to the bathroom? Clean myself up." Neilson judges her threat for a moment before turning to one of his men.

"Take this one to the bathroom," he tells him and I watch as he leads a sobbing Mrs Hudson to the bathroom and stands outside to wait.

"I'd say it was a pleasure to see you again," I say as I'm tied to the seat, "but I try not to make a habbit of lying." I breathe out and flex my muscles slightly to make myself as big as possible as they tie my bonds. It'll help in a minute because when I relax, the bonds will be looser than my arms so I should be able to slip out of them.

"Where's the camera phone which once belonged to Miss Adler?" he begins.

"What?" I say in mock disapproval, "no pleasentaries?" He gives me a hard look and I roll my eyes. "I have absolutely no idea where it is. Still with her, I'm assuming. Why, is it lost?"

"Something tells me you're not telling me the truth," Neilson growls, stepping forward and grabbing me by the chin. "Now start speaking or I'll see if other methods of persuasion will work better." He pushes my head away roughly as he lets go but I look back at him and meet me in the eye.

"Yeah? Good luck with that." I pause for a moment before continuing. "See, I couldn't care less whether I live or die anymore but I know several people who do and will have you killed within a matter of hours if you hurt a hair on my head. Try your best, Neilson, because the truth is I don't know where the phone is and that's all you're getting from me."

Neilson nods his understanding as the bathroom door opens. I wasn't completely lying - I have no idea where dad put the phone earlier but Mrs Hudson would have seen. She should have it now, but I still don't know where it is, exactly.

"Ah, Mrs Hudson," he smiles. "Thank you for joining us. Miss Holmes doesn't seem to care if we take her life. Maybe she'll be more motivated to speak if it was somebody else's life on the line." Neilson pulls out his gun and places it against Mrs Hudson's head.

"You pull that trigger and you lose your only leverage over me," I remind him. "Never start with your last resort. Don't they teach you that?!"

"Shut up, Miss Holmes," Neilson says before he swings the gun around and hits me in the head with it, knocking me out instantaneously.

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