Chapter Five - The Scandal in Belgravia Part V

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A shrill ringing wakes me up, and I sit up and puke into a well placed bucket beside the bed. I let out a groan as the room blurs before me, making it impossible for me to work out where I am. I can hear something else against the noise of what only can be a fire alarm - footsteps. My limbs tighten as I try to move them, but I get nowhere. The drug I must have been injected with a temporary paraletic. So I just have to hope that it's just a drill.

I close my eyes again, the drug making me feel woozy and uncoordinated, but almost as soon as I do, I feel two hands grab both of my arm and haul me back into a seated position.

"Sorry Miss Holmes," someone says. The voice is accented, but I can't focus enough to identify which of the million accents that he's speaking with. "You're coming with us." The hands on my arms tighten as they lift me off of the unfamiliar bed. "Ms Adler is downstairs," the voice says again. "And for god sake, someone turn that damn alarm off." I blink quickly, trying to get my eyes to focus as I'm lifted up and supported on the shoulders of two men. The name they said is familiar ... Ms Adler ... Ms Adler ... MS ADLER!

I'm at my mothers house, I remember now. She was the one who injected me with the drug and took me upstairs to this room. As they carry me out, my mind starts working again. I saw something, what did I see? The bedroom was small, certainly not the master bedroom, however there were family pictures. Not many people, especially my mother, puts family pictures in the guest bedroom, which means I was lying in my own. My mother has kept a room ready for me. She still loves me.

My feet drag the ground slightly as we start the descent down the stairs. The alarm is getting louder, however it soon stops after a few gunshots from up ahead. I can see John at the bottom of the stairs, watching calmly as they bring me down. The man on my left raises his own pistol as we reach the bottom of the stairs, and John puts his hands up.

"Thank you," John says.

"Mr Watson," says the accented man - I now recognise it as American - stepping forward. "For your sake stay quiet." The two men let go of me and push me towards John, who catches me. I canhear John asking if I'm alright - if they hurt me - but I steady my breathing as I concentrate on what's being said on the other side of the door.

"Thank you," I hear dad say. "On hearing a smoke alarm, a mother would look towards her child. Amazing how fire exposes our priorities." I close my eyes in disbelief. She clearly didn't look up at my bedroom, or towards the door, meaning I'm not her priority. I can't believe I fell for her trick. "Really hope you don't have a baby in here." He pauses for a moment, having obviously found the safe. "Hmm. Should always use gloves with these things, you know. Heaviest oil deposit's always on the first key used - that's quite clearly the three - but after that the sequence is almost impossible to read. I'd say from the make that it's a six digit code. Can't be your birthday - no disrespect but clearly you were born in the eighties; the eight's barely used, so ..."

"I'd tell you the code right now," I hear mother - I mean Irene - say, "but you know what? I already have. Think." One of the men grabs me as another struggles with John. I don't have enough strength to fight back as the American pushes past us both, his gun raised and pointed towards dad. He seems to be sporting a cut on his cheek, clearly his way of getting in, but otherwise he's unharmed. At the moment. Mycroft must have simply forgotten to tell us that there was a group of CIA trained professional killers on the case as well.

"Hands behind your head," the American says before turning to Irene. "On the floor. Keep it still." The man holding onto me throws me to the floor beside the sofa before walking Irene over to where I stand as John is also brought beside me.

"Sorry, Sherlock," John apologises. I don't have the strength to speak. I feel sick again. Dad raises his own hands before the American looks back around at Irene.

Sophia Holmes and the Scandal in Belgravia *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now