Chapter Four - The Scandal in Belgravia Part IV

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I get a text from Mycroft almost as soon as we get outside.

No. 44

Belgravia, just a short walk from here. From the looks of it, dad's going to go home first but I won't go with him.

"Sherlock," I say. "Lestrade's just texted me - they want us down at the Yard. Shall I tell him we're busy." The lie rolls so easily off my tongue that I almost feel guilty.

"No, go down and check it out yourself," he says. "I'm sure you can handle it."

"Okay," I agree. "I'll see you later." I let them take the first taxi that pulls up and wait a moment before beginning my walk to Belgravia.

It doesn't take me long. The road is lined with tall, white houses and the whole place just stinks of money. She's obviously done well for herself in her ... business. I count the houses as I walk down the street, my pulse speeding up slightly the closer I get to her house. 40 ... 41 ... 42 ... 43 ...


It looks identical to the other houses, nothing in particular stands out about it. It still hasn't sunken in that behind these doors is my mother. My mother.

I have to steady my breathing before I climb the steps and press the button for the intercom.

"Hello?" It's a female voice which greets me, but not my mums. I look up at the camera and smile, debating whether or not to put on an act. If I know my mother, she would be expecting us, but it's whether or not she told her staff.

"Hi," I say. "My name's Sophia, Sophia Holmes. I believe Miss Adler was expecting me."

"Yeah, of course," she says, buzzing me in. "Come in." I smile slightly at the young woman with ginger hair who is dressed similarly to me. I can't believe I was so close to her just a few weeks ago. Back when we were investigating the 'Speckled Blonde' as John calls it, we were just five doors away. Small world. "Would you like a drink while you wait?" she asks me as she directs me into a large living room. "Miss Adler is upstairs getting ready at the moment."

"Coffee please," I reply. "White, two sugars please." The maid nods and turns and heads back out of the room while I sit myself down on the cream couch.

Looking around, it's clear that mum hasn't had any other, serious relationships since she left us. There are very few pictures and a mirror hangs over the fireplace and most of the surfaces are either made of glass or oak. There's almost nothing which can be deducted about this room which was just how mum used to be. Dad always used to say that his girls had a superpower which meant he couldn't deduce us.

For the first time in forever, I miss not being in a family. My palms grow sweaty as the emotion I've kept under lock and key for several years now wriggles loose. I try to keep it compressed, but I can't. I'm seeing my mother.

"She's in the lounge," the maid says, just outside the door. I regain my relaxed, schoolgirl posture on the couch as she comes in with my coffee, but I start to shake slightly as someone else enters the room behind her. When her eyes find me, they widen slightly.

"That'll be all Kate, thanks," she says. From her accent, I can tell she's spent most of her time away in Australia, but it hasn't changed the soft tone in which she used to use with me over a decade ago. Kate, the maid, leaves us alone and mum comes over to me.

"My little girl ...?" she questions, her voice breaking slightly as I get to my feet and she caresses a brown curl from my face.

"Mummy," I choke, finally snapping. I let the tears flow freely as she embraces me tightly. All my childlike love for her - all the sentiment - is let go. I'm like a four year old girl again.

"I've missed you so much," she says, talking into my hair before pulling away slightly. "Sophia, please know that what I did, I did to protect you." I wipe away my tears and look at her, smiling weakly.

"I know," I say. "But just one word - anything - to let me know that you were alive."

"I'm sorry baby," she says, stroking my hair. "I was going to, honestly I was, but I couldn't risk it."

"I know," I repeat and clear my throat. "But you're here now. Judging by the fact that you were upstairs 'getting ready', I assume you knew Sherlock was coming." Mum smiled for a moment before replying.

"I have my sources," she says before checking over my face and appearance. "You're just like your father."

"Do your sources have anything to do with your business?" I ask her, smiling in response to her compliment. She pauses for a second, looking pained.

"Sophie -"

"No, I get it," I say, stepping back. "You have your reasons."

"I use it as a source of finding information," she admits. "Gaining a bit of leaverage. It's nothing more, I swear."

"You don't have to explain anything," I say softly. "But 'dominatrix', seriously?"

"I like to misbehave," she smiles, but then her face turns serious. "Your father will be here soon. He won't let you see me again."

"I'll talk him out of it," I say confidently.

"Sophie, he won't understand -"

"It doesn't matter," I say. "I have my mother back. Nothing's going to stop me from seeing you again."

"I know," she says, but her tone is different. I frown, confused, and I don't react quick enough to knock away the needle which she stabs into my arm.

"What is this?" I ask, feeling tired.

"Hush now," she says, catching me as my knees buckle. "It's alright." I hear her call for Kate as she lowers me onto the couch, but then, I fall into unconciousness.

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