Tangerine Hues 🧡

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The sun bloomed like a sunflower gifting its golden petals of hope and positivity to the world. The birds chorused their melodious birdsong welcoming the blush of scarlet and the warmth of tangerine along with the golden hues of the delightful morning.

Gazing toward the illuminated morning sky, sat Neha just beneath the ethereal glow feeling helpless and hopeless at the turn of events in her life. Her face had lost its colour and her expressive eyes lacked their charm. Her heart pained as all she could remember was her father’s words, "Anju, I wish you didn’t give birth to such a disgrace years ago".

Her father’s thoughts towards her had shook her to the core. She wanted to shriek and cry but something inside her was compelling her to recollect her broken pieces and start her day with hope and joy. Her brain was continuously telling her, "You are anything but a disgrace, Neha", trying to calm her perturbed soul while she sat on one of the benches at the lawn of community park.

It was Wednesday and Neha had to go to her workplace. She wanted to enter the gates of the Federal Bank of India, the place she felt home, with her head held high instead of her eyes cast down to the ground. To motivate herself for another day after getting humiliated by her father last night, Neha had decided to visit the park early in the morning despite she was in no mood to jog around the running track.

Arjun, on the other hand, had woken up early today. He was excited to see Bruno bonding with Neha. “You want a reason to make a fool of yourself again in front of her”, his brain mocked at him when he enthusiastically got ready for a morning walk waking up Bruno at five in the morning and earning a loud bark from his cranky dog.

Arjun and Bruno were jogging in the park while his dark brown eyes searched for the special someone. "Why are you behaving like a horny teenager, man?" His brain chided him while he tried to see Neha or maybe, his Sneha.

“Finally you know her name!” His brain teased him again while he scratched the back of his neck. "I want to call her Sneha with love", mumbled Arjun and he was surprised at himself. He was a grown up thirty-seven year old man but much to his dismay, he was acting like an adolescent kid waiting to have a glimpse of his crush.

Completing the two laps, he took Bruno to the garden. Arjun experienced a sudden jerk as Bruno ran ferociously freeing himself from Arjun’s hold. He was horrified at the sudden change in Bruno’s behaviour. Being a well-trained dog, Bruno never did any such thing earlier. "Bruno", he shouted following him but his heart melted at the scene in front of him.

Neha was sitting on the bench absent-mindedly while everyone seemed to be busy in their own world. She was lost in her thoughts when an angel with golden fur came towards her and jumped onto her, clutching her knees. Neha was taken aback at the sudden commotion but she smiled warmly for the first time today as she patted Bruno’s back.

"Hi", she murmured while Bruno laid his head in her lap as she caressed his head. Arjun was surprised to witness their bond. Bruno never mingled with strangers but with Neha, the case was totally different. Bruno was hugging Neha and Arjun could feel the warmth they shared.

Arjun took a minute to notice Neha. He could see her smiling but at the same time, he felt that her smile didn’t reach her eyes. Her gloomy eyes had a strange longing for something or someone while dark circles marred her beautiful face. Her chiseled nose was red. Arjun wondered, “What’s wrong with her?”

Arjun walked towards her and sat beside her quietly. Bruno woofed at him with joy perhaps, he was elated to meet Neha. Bruno’s woof was enough to garner attention of Neha towards Arjun who greeted her gloomy self with a charming smile.

“Hi”, mumbled Arjun politely while his heart urged to know the reason of her despondent self. “Good morning”, replied Neha in a slow murmur as she took her hands away from Bruno.

She felt uncomfortable in the presence of the new ‘perverted’ manager who would mock at her for being clumsy and then send ice to heal the injury.
She was already occupied with the issues in her family and she didn’t want any problems at work. Federal Bank of India made her feel home and she did not want to ruin the bond of hers with her workplace.

“The injury seems to be healed”, spoke Arjun pointing at her forehead not knowing what to speak. As much as Arjun was driven towards her charismatic aura, she seemed to have a reserved persona.

“Why? Do you want her to bang her head again so you could laugh at her expense?” His brain chided him for spouting nonsense. It was nothing but a mild bump which was obviously supposed to be healed.

“Don’t know why but this guy knows how to make you feel better.” Her brain teased her when an involuntary smile crept on her rosy lips. She had forgotten about the bump as her heart felt stabbed by her father’s words. She could not help but admire his empathetic attitude.

As her father’s humiliating words rang in her ears along with Rahul’s accusations upon which her father blindly believed, she felt a tug in her heart and her eyes began welling up for an unknown reason. She was a strong woman but a caring gesture from a stranger was making her feel all the warmth she had expected to get from her parents.

Afraid of breaking down and embarrassing herself, she nodded, not willing to engage in any conversation and got up to leave when she heard Arjun's voice once again.

“I need a favour”, said Arjun absent-mindedly because he wanted to sit and talk with her.

“What favour except of observing her?”, asked his brain and he could not help but smile coyly.

“What?”, asked Neha as she sat on the bench again.

“Tell him that you have some chores to do and leave”, suggested her brain but did she actually want to leave? The silent symphonies with him amidst the cool air were refreshing but she was feeling anxious at the same time.

Arjun was caught off-guard. What favour could he ask from her?

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