Hurricane 🌀

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“Why did you give birth to such an indecent woman?”, Ramesh yelled at his wife. He had shut the door of the guest room as Anju had walked behind him. The timid, old woman was weeping her heart out.

“Rahul was right. She has lost her virtue while she stayed away from home.” Ramesh mumbled, as he sat disappointed on the bed. He closed his eyes and huffed remembering the way his son insulted him today. He was just thinking the best for Neha. He was aging each day and he wanted to get Neha married before he took his last breath. He had chosen the guys who belonged to well-to-do families and shared his caste. His choice could not be wrong, after all, his elder daughter was happy too. He concluded, Neha had gone out of his hands.

“What will we do now?” Anju mumbled timidly, with tears in her eyes. She was aghast to see the disgrace Neha had brought with her. She had told her husband a hundred times to not allow Neha work in a different city. Today, her daughter had committed a sin, falling in love with a man before marriage.

“I will talk to her. I will request her to save us from disgrace and marry Varun. It is important for our business too.” Ramesh mumbled, and walked out of the room without sparing a single glance to his wife.

Ramesh mattered the most for Anju. She never imagined to stand against her husband. Being born and brought up in a conservative household, she was always taught to uphold the values and respect of her husband. She was disappointed in her upbringing. She wondered, “O! God, why are you punishing us?”

Ramesh was not just disappointed in his daughter but also in his son. He had no expectations from Neha but he was shattered to see his son standing against him for the sake of his sister who was adamant to ruin their reputation in the society.

He walked out of the room and was devastated to see everyone happy. The children seemed to be lost in their own world while the elders were trying to cheer up Neha alongside their plans for the wedding. Ramesh was aghast to see her daughter getting married, without his permission. He was shocked to see his children planning a wedding in family knowing that he has not approved of this dishonourable relationship. His opinion did not matter anymore and he was heartbroken, indeed!

He was shattered to see his children mocking at his miseries. He felt as if everyone was celebrating his defeat. Enraged, he yelled at Neha, “Who do you think you are?”

“Neha Gupta, Papa. Finally I have realized I am Neha Gupta, Assistant Manager in the Federal Bank of India.” She retorted in an equally loud tone, glaring at her father with intense fire in her eyes.

“You cannot marry that despicable man”, Ramesh yelled at his daughter while Anju saw her angry husband wide-eyed.

“I will marry Arjun whether you like it or not”, Neha replied. She gestured Piya and Piyush to not intervene.

“Why are you such a disgrace, Neha?” Anju lamented, slumping on the accent chair while Sheetal ran towards the horrified kids ushering them in the other room.

“I have never been a disgrace, Ma. I have tried to make you people feel proud every day.” Neha shouted angrily. Today, she was answering back to her parents which she had never done before but today, it was essential to tell her parents that they could not try to control her anymore.

“Never in my life, I did anything that would bring disgrace yet, you labelled me ‘characterless’”, her voice quivered as a sob escaped from her mouth. It was not easy. She respected her parents a lot but she was tired of their orthodox mentality.

“You chose to trust on Rahul instead of your own daughter. My happiness does not matter to you. All it matters is, a stupid reputation in the society, in the same society that would not feed you in your hard times.” Neha sobbed, pouring all her sorrows as big, fat tears trickled down her eyes.

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