Feeling Loved 😍

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"O! Lord, this would be quite embarrassing", Neha mumbled to herself walking out of the airport. Her flight had landed and she was supposed to hail a cab and head towards Arjun's house. Yes, she was in Mumbai for the World Finance Banking Symposium that was to be held the next day.

When Neha had been been packing her stuff back in Delhi, and her stay was arranged at the guest house of Federal Bank of India, Arjun had urged her to stay at his place. Thankfully his house was located in the proximity of the headquarters where Symposium was held but still it was too awkward.

Neha would have denied but when Mrinalini insisted, Neha gave in. She was really shameless to admit that she craved for Mrinalini's care and attention. As of now, Neha had landed in the city of dreams with a throbbing headache.

Completing the formalities, she walked out of the airport and was surprised to see Ajay waiting to pick her up. She was horrified to see Mr. Ajay Verma, a retired brigadier, who had come to the airport personally to receive her. It was too embarrassing. She gulped as her orbs brimmed with tears. Her own father had always called her a disgrace and he had never shown such care even if she was getting engaged to Rahul.

"Uncle, this was not needed. I would have managed." She said after exchanging pleasantries with the old man.

"Kiddo, tell me, how can I not receive my daughter when she is coming to my city? Are you any different from Radha?" Ajay asked lovingly as he gestured Neha to pass her luggage.
It was the moment when a tear trickled down her eyes. "I am so overwhelmed, uncle", she said. "It's light, I will manage", she insisted clutching her bag tightly.

"You are a family, Neha, so stop feeling overwhelmed", he said caressing her head lovingly, feeling strange to see her crying and confused. "Give me, I will carry it", he ordered and she gave in, amidst his authoritative aura.

Placing her luggage in the car, Ajay drove her to his house, located in Lokhandwala. During the whole journey, he was sharing anecdotes about the places and roads, guiding her about the important roads and destinations. She smiled admiring his caring nature and immense knowledge about the city.

Upon reaching his home, he parked his car in the parking are. Amidst the hustle-bustle of the city where people lived in apartments, the Vermas were lucky to have 4BHK villa in the suburbs of Andheri. The locality was nice and so was the house. The main centre of attraction was a small lawn in the humble abode with myriads of colourful flowers.

"Welcome to my humble abode", Mrinalini greeted Neha, hugging her to-be daughter-in-law and Neha was overjoyed to feel loved. Her mother had never embraced her so lovingly and here, Arjun's mother was ready to bring stars at her feet.

Neha was amazed to see the beautiful house. At the entrance was a bronze statue of Lord Ganesha welcoming her inside. The interiors of the house were painted with pastel colours and designed with vintage-styled carved furniture screaming opulence. The duplex was well-maintained and looked straight out of classic magazines. "It's so mesmerizing", Neha whispered admiring the house.

"Credit goes to Mrinalini", Ajay chortled and Neha liked how effortlessly he had appreciated his wife. She knew her father would never acknowledge her mother for anything.

Mrinalini asked Kamla, their house help to serve water to Neha as everyone sat and chit-chatted. When Neha offered that she needed to freshen up, Mrinalini showed her the guestroom, a chic room with a queen sized bed, a modest almirah and huge French windows opening in the garden.

Freshening up, Neha changed into a cotton kurti and decided to gulp an Aspirin. Her headache had worsened. She had a strip of tablets in her hand when there was a knock. Throwing the strip carelessly on the bed, she opened the door to see Mrinalini calling her for the lunch. However, Mrinalini stopped in her tracks when she saw the tablets on the bed.

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