Teasing Him 🙈

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Neha got packed a mini red velvet, blueberry cake on the way back to Akash Ganga Society. She was not a huge fan of blueberry flavour but she knew that Arjun liked it. Moreover, Arjun was so adorable that she could tolerate blueberries throughout her life, just for him!

Her heart was thumping fast. She did not want to sound like a desperate woman but she wanted to spend some time with Arjun after his parents had bestowed love on her. Well! Trip to Mumbai was not just refreshing but also an eye-opener. She had realized what love meant and she was glad to have found a mom in Mrinalini and a dad in Ajay. Now that she had found people who genuinely loved her, she wanted to break free off her clutches and fly high in the sky.

Hailing the cab, she instructed the driver to take her to Arjun’s house in Akash Ganga Society. A silly smile played on her lips as she sat in the cab imagining Arjun’s reactions. It was eight at night and she was excited to have a night-out at Arjun’s house.

Arjun fed Bruno, his meal and medicines, making the dog sleep. Bruno was not keeping well. With mild fever and runny nose, the poor dog was too tired. He simply, slept in his master’s lap after an early meal. Carefully laying Bruno in his little bed, Arjun slumped on the sofa, too tired to cook the meal. He was looking forward to cook Maggie for himself when the doorbell rang.

Standing at the door, Neha was hesitant to enter in his house. It was eight at night and she was at his doorstep to spend her night in his arms. She knew Arjun would never cross his limits but somewhere in her heart, she felt as if she was committing a mistake. Being born and brought in a very conservative family, she knew she would be judged if anyone finds about her spending night at Arjun’s place. Not that she regretted today rather, she smiled at the folly of people who judged girls or whatever they did! She was ready to shun her insecurities and embrace the joy of her present life.

“Hey, Neha. All okay?”, asked Arjun worried to see her at his doorstep at night especially when her parents had forced her to meet another prospective groom. Remembering how broken she was after meeting Rohan, Arjun wanted to hug and console her.

“Yes, everything is perfectly fine”, she mumbled, coyly, not meeting his eyes as she entered inside his house. Keeping the packet of his favourite pastries on the console table, she bit her lips anxiously. Her cheeks were flushed and butterflies were creating a havoc inside her stomach.

Squeezing her shoulders, he asked, confused, “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “I just missed you”, she whispered shyly, hugging him, relishing the song of his heartbeat. It was indeed, blissful to stay in his arms, away from dreadful reality where her parents were pestering her to marry. She had missed him while she was in Mumbai and today, she found solace as she hugged him at the end of the day.

Arjun wrapped his arms around her bare waist. Since the time he had seen her wearing a saree, he wanted to touch her soft skin. Pulling her closer to himself, he drew patterns on her enticing, bare waist sending tingling sensations in the pit of her stomach.

“I missed you too”, he told her, gently pecking her forehead as she struggled in his embrace. It was just too, overwhelming for her. Like a gentleman, he moved away, not wanting to scare her with his carnal desires.

“Come”, he told her when she handed him the food packet. “I got these for you!”

“Thank you”, he smiled like a kid who is given his favorite candy.

“We rejected each other”, told Neha still standing while Arjun kept the pastries in the kitchen.

“O! That Atul guy?” He asked, gesturing her to sit beside him on the couch while she remembered Arjun’s nasty reaction when she had made up the story of Vimal before his parents.

Her Mr. Rightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें