Confessions 💕

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"Why?" Neha managed to speak, now ashamed of losing him. She was disappointed in herself for taking an impulsive decision that was supposed to delay her promotion by one long year.

"Neha, I know you love your job. I cannot give a negative performance review because you are simply, flawless. Talk to that moronic to-be husband of yours and ask him to stop being so condescending. Tell him that you worked hard for this job and you cannot ruin things for his whims and fancies. I will talk to Mr. Sinha and request to cancel your transfer application." Arjun suggested, stopping in his track.

"I had always seen a zeal and passion in your eyes, when it came to your job. I know, I am no one to comment, but still, I despise your urge to take a transfer for a guy you are not even married to, yet. I cannot fathom an independent woman, all set to ruin her flawless career for the sake of someone else." Arjun finally said, while Neha wept more.

He would have not turned back if Neha had not begun sobbing again. He stood still as he saw Neha hiding her face behind her palm and wailing like a baby. He was done with her crying now. Adamant to know the reason of her tears, he sat back to his original place, just beside her and held her shoulders.

"Why are you crying?" His voice boomed.

The treacherous tears knew no bounds. Never in her life had shown so much concern for her career. Her siblings had been there for her but they were married and busy in their own lives. She could not express her heart to Piyush or Piya without any inhibitions because she knew that she had to maintain her boundaries. She respected them and their families.

Her heart had always craved for an approval from her parents. She had always been devastated to know that her parents just considered her a burden despite, she was earning well. Her heart teared up as she remembered how her parents had never approved of her job.

The prospective grooms, her parents asked her to meet, were just as same as her parents. She had never met any prospective groom who had acknowledged her job profile, asked to take transfers and enjoy the promotions. Instead they had been keen on gender roles and her wifely duties. This man who claimed to like her was a stranger yet, he was there to reprimand her for not paying heed to her career.

She remembered, Rahul had told her, "You are lucky that I am granting you permission to work", and she sobbed even more.

Her heart yelled, "Neha, why are you hell-bent on pushing yourself in a black hole of darkness when this guy is everything you need, you deserve?"

"No, Neha. You don't deserve him. Not after weaving web of so many lies. Have some shame, at least." Her brain told her but her heart was telling her to be greedy for herself, just once.

Neha sobbed hard, as she hugged him, albeit involuntarily, not paying attention to the conflict going inside her heart and brain. Arjun, who had held her shoulders was simply, dumbstruck with the proximity. His hands urged to engulf her petite body in his arms as she snuggled onto his chest, still weeping, oblivious to the fact that a wet patch was forming on his lemon yellow shirt.

Arjun did not know how to react. The fact that Neha was getting married to someone else, was there to remind the gentleman inside him, to ensure his boundaries but his treacherous heart won over. Caressing her back, clad in a moss green shirt, that she had worn at work today, he cooed him.

"Sh.. it's okay", he cooed. "What's wrong, Sneha?" His voiced out the pain of his broken heart while his brain was telling him to be a gentleman and maintain distance.

It was Neha's undoing finally. She cried hard, holding him tight, as if her life was dependent on him. "Never... never in my life has someone... someone showed so.. so much concern for my job", she told him, hiccupping and sobbing, all this while.

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