Is everything okay? 😅

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Arjun was quite disheartened as he pulled the leash of agitated Bruno outside the park. The poor dog had been quite excited to see his only friend in the park however, Neha was seen nowhere. Disheartened Bruno had been howling at the passers-by searching for Neha, passing accusatory glares at people for hiding his friend but little did the poor dog know that Neha had skipped her morning walk.

Arjun, on the other hand, had expected to meet Neha and thank her for her valuable inputs for the meeting early in the morning but unfortunately his plans had failed. He also had planned to ask her out for a dinner today morning but the chances seemed slim.

“Why hasn’t she come for the walk?” He wondered as concern for her took over his mind. “What if she is unwell?” He thought as he walked outside the community park along with Bruno.

On the other hand, Neha had got ready for her morning walk when she remembered how Pawan was judging her character on the previous day. Mentally deciding to stay away from Arjun so that she does not become a topic of gossip in the office, she decided to resort to Yoga and skip morning walks for some time. She missed Bruno as her heart craved to hug the cute dog and rub his belly but she was helpless.

She was a woman with dignity and Pawan's insensitive words had stabbed her heart. Yes, she had been close to Arjun but she was not misusing her closeness with her boss to grab the title of ‘best employee'. Heck, she did not even care of getting the tag of best employee. She just wanted to give her best and do justice to the salary she received in her account every month.

After gulping down two sandwiches gloomily, she dressed up casually in a maroon shirt pairing it up with denims and headed for work. She was upset not because, Pawan had mocked her character but because, she had accepted the car ride with Arjun giving a cue for grapevine in her department.

She felt dirty as Pawan’s words rang in her ears. Closing her eyes in despair, she slumped her shoulders as she sat in the metro. She was certainly lucky to find a place to sit today!

Arjun was driving for work while his mind was clouded with the thoughts of Neha. It was Friday and he was excited to make his weekend eventful.

“Will you not sound like a creep if you will ask her out? Considering the fact that she is your colleague, will she not think you to be an opportunistic guy after women?” His brain reasoned but his adamant heart retorted, “Arjun, you just keep thinking to protect your image while she will accept any arranged marriage proposal”, reminding him of the insecurities budding in his mind.

“Is it the right moment?” He asked himself waiting for the red signal to turn green but then he remembered Mayank's words, “The right person won’t need the right moment but another right person”.

“So, let’s ask her out for a dinner date today”, he mumbled to himself as he drove inside the gates of Federal Bank of India and his dark brown eyes lit up looking at the tall, slim figure walking ahead. Clad in simple semi-professional dress, she looked amazing. Rubbing the back of his neck, he glanced at her and drove past her making up his mind to politely thank her as well as ask her out for a dinner date.

Giving a curt nod to her colleagues who greeted her, Neha walked inside her cabin and suddenly felt suffocated in the premises of her work station. Giving herself the much-needed advice to avoid the words of Pawan, she decided to get back to her work. An hour later, she was startled to see the office boy entering her cabin only to inform her that, “Madam, Arjun Sir wants to see you with the file Madan Sir gave yesterday”.

As much as Neha wanted to hand over the report file to the peon along with her detailed review attached inside it, she realized that she must not run away from her duties and responsibilities. Nodding at the office boy, she wound up her work by saving the file and closing her office computer before heading towards the cabin of the General Manager.

Her Mr. RightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang