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Y'all think Kardi shot Roland? And did he deserve it ? Comment here right now before you read ...

Y'all think Kardi shot Roland? And did he deserve it ? Comment here right now before you read

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     "Girl I thought you was coming over with Scar"? Zoe asked over the phone.
"Yea I'm coming I'm heading over to check on my cousin Wanda and then I'm picking Scar up from Meechie's mom".
Zoe gasped and asked "sudden change of heart"?
I answered "yea . I know what it's like to lose a mom you know. Plus Meechie told me how she walked up on him two nights ago looking fucked up".
"Damn . Well at least you are being the bigger person I'm proud of you girl".
I answered back "once in a lifetime thing but let me call you back I'm pulling up right now".
      I grabbed the gun that I lied to Meechie about throwing away and slid it in my purse . If some shit popped off with my cousin I won't be scared to use it.
       Walking up to the door I rung the doorbell and waited .
      The door opens and there stands my aunts boyfriend shirtless.
"Baby who's at the door"? I heard Wanda say.
How could she be so damn distraught over losing her momma, but now shacking up with her boyfriend . Then again ain't like my aunt didn't know her daughter was sleeping with her man behind her back anyway.
     "Your cousin"! He yelled out looking me up and down like he wanted to eat me alive. I pushed him out the way and walked into the house . The smell of dirty clothes immediately hit my nose , and even though my aunt lived in the projects she kept her shit clean. Now this shit looked like a war zone . Dishes everywhere , rats just roaming with no care in the world , roaches going up the walls this place was fucking slack.
      "The fuck you doing here"? She asked . Wanda was high, the weed smell hit my nose as soon as I walked into the kitchen .
     "Came to check on you" I said looking around. The day of me killing my aunt replaying over as if I was watching a movie .
"You have some nerve coming here after you did what you did . I know you killed momma".
       I chuckled and said "I'm trying to make peace girl . We both have something in common now . We don't have our mom, this shit should bring us closer".
She shook her head "you're a evil bitch and I hope your daughter don't grow up like you".
"Well then I hope if you ever have a child of your own that when she or he gets older they don't become a hoe like they momma".
      "You know what bitch get the fuck out"!!! She yelled . I smiled and said "you need to get your life right before it to late".
"Go to hell"! She yelled .
I reached in my purse and threw the weed on the table "peace offering enjoy".
She snatched the weed up like a fucking crackhead and said "get out"!
"My pleasure...oh and Wanda don't ever speak on me and my pass ever again" with that I left . Hey I mean I tried what more could I do.

       I slowly opened the hospital room door and walked in. In the bed laid Roland , I got word that he survived the shooting and was out of surgery and able to talk. I needed to know what happened because I didn't believe Kardi and I need to speak with him before he spoke to the police .
      "Yo" I said getting his attention from the television .
He saw me and chuckled and said "what you doing here . What you come to finish me off"?
I laughed and said "I'm not stupid I just came to see how you were doing".
     Roland sucked his teeth and said "nah you hear to find out if ya bitch shot me or not".
"Kardi ain't no bitch watch ya mouth" I said standing at the head of his bed.
He replied "look I don't know who shot me I had my AirPods in blasting my music while lifting weights. The power went out so I couldn't see shit. Soon as I got up from off the weight bench the bullets hit me. The shooter shot me in darkness thanks to the little light that came from the balcony outside".
      "Damn" I said back .
"What I will say is that the person ran off like a female . That's all I saw before I passed out".
Hearing him say that only deepens my suspicion of did Kardi do this.
"Anymore questions ? I got physical therapy in ten minutes".
I replied "nah . Thanks . Get well" was all I said before leaving .
      Once out of the hospital room I got a call from Martin .
"I went by to check on Wanda and to tell her ass she need to come to work or be fired . I found her and her dude OD in their crib. The dude was dead I was able to save Wanda . Man her weed was fucking Laced the bitch will never be the same again".
"Yo if this your girl doing she's fucking dangerous bruh you gotta tame that and tame it NOW"!
      I loaded the gun before pulling off from the hospital "you right and I am enough of this shit".
     I texted Kardi and told her to meet me at my place and not to pick up Scar from my moms . Tonight I wanted some alone time with her . I hope I don't end up a single father after tonight. Kardi might think she's big and bad, but she's nowhere compared to me and Ima have to show her that.

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