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"Ain't no way that's fucking Julius Bruh"? Martin said over the phone.
I spoke "nigga that's him. I can't believe this shit. He's been hiding this shit from us all this fucking time".
Martin looked at me through the phone on the FaceTime call and said "damn man what the fuck we going to do"?
I looked at Kardi who was in my office sitting In front of me with Scar in her lap and said "I can't have no nigga in my group who can't even keep it real with the niggas he claim to be so tight with".
Martin answered back "I feel you but man we grew up together . Let me talk to him first , I feel like you going to come off to aggressive and shit".
I sucked my teeth and said "man nigga I'm just tight . Yea you talk to him and then you tell him to call me. If I don't hear from him in three days he's out Bruh I'm so serious".
Martin responds "I hear you Bruh I hear you . Let me just call you back alright"?
       I hung up the phone pissed how could a nigga I look to all these years be gay and not tell me anything. He was my boy and even though I would be shocked , we grew up in the sandbox together I'd never treat him any other way, but now that nigga I don't know what to feel.
       I heard a knock at my office door, so I looked up and got out my thoughts when I saw Kardi and Scarlet walking in.
"She wanted her Dada" she said handing over Scarlet to me.
I kissed my daughter forehead and said "she always turns my day around".
Kardi replied "so you talk to him yet"?
I shook my head no and she continues to say "I guess he scared or something".
       I sigh and said "this Roland nigga something man".
She chuckled and said "yea he is. I never knew he was gay though, but Farrah , Zoe and now Julius . That's a lot like what the fuck , now I'm glad we left from there because shit what else is there we don't know"?
     I shrugged I don't know and said "whatever else it is I don't need to fucking know".
She placed her hands on her hips and said "when's the last time you talked to your side piece"?
I glared at her and said "Martin ain't bought her up over the phone so shit the day before we left".

    "Don't you think you the one who should be talking to her and not Martin. That ain't Martin baby she carrying that's yo baby".
He sucked his teeth, but he knew I was right. At first I didn't want to accept the fact, but I had to realize that, that baby just might be his so with that being said we meaning me and him needed to start acting like adults about the situation.
     "I shouldn't but I trust you enough to communicate with her respectfully about the baby and only the baby".
     He leaned up and placed his hands on my now small but noticeable baby bump and changed the subject "how's this baby though"?
I placed my hand on top of his and said "Blue is fine".
     "You really gun hold on this Blu name aren't you"?
"Yes , yes I am" I answered .
"Hmm. Well where you going you dressed up"?
"Going to meet with someone" I answered .
His raised his eyebrow and said "damn this the third time this week you making friends quick".
     I laughed and waved him off "whatever Meechie alright I'm not going to be gone long".
I turned to leave and he said "damn you not wearing panties neither maybe I need to come along".
I sucked my teeth and said "no, no you don't I'm wearing a thong so chill I'll be right back".
I couldn't tell Meechie I was meeting with Mackey for lunch. Then he'll wanna know why, and that was none of his business. He don't tell me everything he does so why should I.

     As Kardi left the office I looked down at my daughter and said "I believe your momma to be doing something sneaky what you think"?
She said something in baby language and I said "follow her you say...." I jumped up and said "I was thinking that same thing let me grab your baby bag".

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